Chapter 94

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Y/n was now seen flying around to many parts of the planet as Galfore was following her.

Galfore:"Princess, slow down!!!!!!!!"he warned Y/n.

Y/n:"I NEVER SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!" she said happily as she flew so fast that it broke the sound barrier.

Y/n then saw a high tech circle as she flew straight into it, causing a big explosion in the sky, that seemed like fireworks

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Y/n then saw a high tech circle as she flew straight into it, causing a big explosion in the sky, that seemed like fireworks.

Galfore:"PRINCESS, NO!!! THAT WAS A SENTINEL!!!!!!" he yelled.

Y/n:"Come on, Galfore have some fun it helps you to stress less." she yelled happily.

Galfore:"No, princess we have to stay hidden we can't reveal too much." he warned her.

Y/n:"WHAT SENSE HAS THE ABILITY TO FLY AND NOT USE IT TO ITS FULL POTENTIAL?!?!?" she said as she flew even faster and faster.

Y/n then stopped as Galfore ended flying past her and losing control of his own speed, before Y/n caught him.

Y/n:"Gotcha!!!" she said happily.

Y/n eyes then sparkled in joy.

Y/n:"What is that?" she asked in surprise.

Galfore eyes widen as he pulled Y/n back as they both noticed a lot of bubbles coming from under the water of the sea.

A frown then appeared on Y/n's face as the bubbles were getting bigger and bigger as Galfore used his high tech tablet and tried to scan what was underwater

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A frown then appeared on Y/n's face as the bubbles were getting bigger and bigger as Galfore used his high tech tablet and tried to scan what was underwater.

Then all of the sudden the bubbles stopped as Y/n and Galfore looked at each other in confusion.

Then two huge blue glowing eyes appeared underwater starring at the two Tamaraneans for a while.

Y/n and Galfore eyes widen as the two glowing blue eyes disappeared underwater.

Y/n:"The swamp monster?" she asked.

Galfore:"Princess it's the sea." he corrected her.



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