Chapter 16

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(3rd person pov.)


Aizawa:(Why is it that, I can't find a moment of peace!!!)he then grab his phone and start looking at cat pictures.

Aizawa:(Why is it that, I can't find a moment of peace!!!)he then grab his phone and start looking at cat pictures

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Aizawa:"..........................................." a smile start slowly appearing on his face, before.

Miss Joke:"Eraser Head.....ZZZZZ.....Marry me.......ZZZZ........"

Aizawa:"Ugh.................(You kids better be quick, before she starts waking up..........)"

Miss Joke:"ZZZZZ.......Please"

Aizawa:(I'd rather get beat down a second time by Nomu, thanks......)










Izumi:"Everyone stay close together, we'll fight them as a group!!"


Sero:"Got it!!"

Y/n however flew away as Izuku followed her.

Katsuki then notice Shindo far away, smirking at him.

Katsuki:"Yeah, right this isn't a field!!! I'LL BEAT THAT F*CKER UP!!!" he then use his Quirk to fly away from the group.

Kirishima:"Wait up!! Idiot!!" he then followed him.

Izumi:"Izuku?!? Y/n?!? Kacchan?!? Damn it!!"

Shoto:"I'm going on my own too, it's hard for me to my power safely when a big group's around......" he then walk away.

Izumi:"Shoto?!? Even, you?!?"

Mineta:"Izumi-chan there is no time, let's go!!"

Izumi then looked down, before she agreed.

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