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Beomgyu    Kai
👇🏻                👆🏻

Beomgyu    Kai👇🏻                👆🏻

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"Make his crying stop." Soobin met Kai at the door "He will not stop crying. Make. It. Stop." Soobin grabs ahold of Kai's hands, his effort for Kai to understand his beg. Kai did not need to ask who: Beomgyu.

Entering his 28th week of pregnancy, Beomgyu has deemed all small problems that he is facing to be a complete tragedy. Only last week did a member eat the last cupcake, even asking Beomgyu if he wanted the last one. To Beomgyu, that was betrayal. That afternoon was spent in fighting and ended with Beomgyu crying.

"I will." Kai responded "What is wrong this time? Did you eat his leftovers?" He eyes the older.
"No, not this time." Soobin replied "I will be doing that now though, thank you for the suggestion!"
", I..I will buy him more."

Kai walked to the stairs "Oh! You are finally home. Beomgyu! Look who is home. You better hope that you will make him stop crying. It has been all day." Taehyun mentions.

What did Beomgyu did to everyone?

"Hello little family. What is making you so sad boys?" Kai looks up the stairs to see Beomgyu sitting there.
"It was on accident." Beomgyu started.
"What was an accident?" Kai pushed.
"Yeonjun and Soobin told me to stop playing." Beomgyu added "And now.." Beomgyu hiccuped "And is right there."

Kai follows where Beomgyu is pointing.
"What? This." He squats down to pick up one of their socks. Bring in a relationship for four years means clothes are shared. Nothing is considered 'just yours'.
"Yes!" Cried Beomgyu. He covers his eyes again.
"It is just a sock baby." Kai reassured.
"I know it is." Beomgyu responded "I am loosing all of my independence..Kai, everyone is making me feel useless."
"Oh, okay." Kai replied "How does that make you feel? What do you want from me?"
Beomgyu shifted his eyes downwards. Kai used the steps to walk up to Beomgyu. "What do you want from me?" Kai repeated.
"I really cannot give you an answer." Beomgyu admitted "It is silly to be this upset about a sock, I know that.  It feels like all the small incidents are setting me over the edge recently. I feel all of my emotions are fighting to be felt and to be heard."
"Are you feeling that I am ignoring you?"
"No!" Beomgyu states "I am not feeling ignored by you Kai." Beomgyu exhales "These emotions could just be typical pregnancy feelings."
"They could." Kai agreed "What if I make an appointment tomorrow? So you can talk to someone who is qualified?"
"What if they say I am unfit to be a parent? That I am too broken." Beomgyu whispered.
"If they say that, then we have four months to show them that you are not broken. It is my job to make sure that you are feeling okay. And now, baby, you are not feeling very well. You do not have to go in tomorrow."
Beomgyu shakes his head "If something is wrong with me or this baby, I want time to fix the problem instead of prolonging the problems."
"I am proud of you. How did the sock fall to the ground? I am only curious."
Beomgyu looks away from Kai "Beomgyu." Kai warned. "I was sliding down the stairs." Beomgyu says. "That is dangerous. Even before you were pregnant." Kai reminded "How did you loose a sock?" Kai finished.

"So everyone knew that my pregnant boyfriend had fallen earlier today but not one of you told me!" Kai seethed "Not one of you!"
Kai blocks the entrance to the kitchen "Kai, listen-"
"No!" Kai whispers "I trusted all of you. I thought you were my friends..not only my older brothers. Beomgyu and I are going to visit the hospital."
"Do you want one of us to come along?"
Kai turned to leave "Beomgyu is asking Jin Hyung if he will accompany us. We can trust him."

"Your baby does not appear to be in distress. How far did you fall?"
"I slid down the last four steps on the stairs." Beomgyu answered.
"And no pain was felt immediately?"
"Not immediately." Beomgyu told "A slight discomfort but no actual pain."
"Understood. Well your baby seems to be doing okay." Kai kisses Beomgyu's hand "We do need to talk Beomgyu. Kai told us privately that you are feeling more anxious. What is going on?"
"Everything is changing in my life." Beomgyu began "My life is being controlled by our son. I know that I should feel privileged to be successfully carrying a baby, but I cannot help but to feel some resentment."
"And why is that?"
"I am under this constant..pressure to be a good father, and a boyfriend. That I should be shining as a pregnant idol, when those are still few and far between. My CEO is not helping, they are pushing to make my pregnancy into an exploration. Our group is known by the pregnant one, I am tired of being only known as the one that is having a baby. Other groups I feel are also getting negative attention because of me being this way."
"I'm sorry for not knowing that you felt that way." Kai whispers.
"I think it is time that you take a break Beomgyu. You are under constant stress that is bad for your baby. And you. Also for you, Kai. I was worried after Kai confided in me about your worries, but now, I think this is all stress related. However, I am also recommending you talk with a therapist once a week until you give birth. She is also a postpartum therapist, so you can continue once you have given birth. Let me get all of my paper that is required before I fax is to your company. I am putting you on bed rest until further notice Beomgyu."

"How did it go?" Jin approaches them "Are all of you okay?" He questioned. "I am going on hiatus Hyung." Beomgyu answered "I will agree with the doctor. You do need rest. Our nephew needs to stay strong." Jin laid his hand on Beomgyu's bump "There is a crowd outside." Jin added "I make the mistake of coming through the front doors, and asked for you, by name. I'm sorry."
"It is okay. There is a back entrance." Beomgyu reassured "We have learnt the secret ways of leaving." Kai added "Follow us."

"We're home!" Announces Kai.
"How is the baby?"
"He is doing okay, perfect with no signs of distress." Beomgyu explained.
"We are glad that you both are okay."
"We were called in to talk with the CEO earlier."
Kai grabs Beomgyu's hand "Sorry."
Soobin hugs Beomgyu "Do not be sorry. If taking a hiatus is what's needed then we will be supportive."
"We worry more about your well being than us as idols. Tell us how we can help you at anytime during your pregnancy. And we will do our best to accommodate you." Yeonjun spoke.
"Thank you." Beomgyu replied.
"With all of the excitement from today, we need a maknae move night. Without you Hyungs." Taehyun announces.
Kai clapped his hands together "Let me pop the popcorn."
"I have some candy in my room. Let me go get the boxes." Soobin left the room.
He returned "Do not stay up too late."
"Do not worry, Beomgyu will be asleep by ten." Taehyun teases.
"I know he will." Soobin winks.
"You all are wrong." Beomgyu spoke "It will be before 9:30."
"Is that so Beomgyu?"
Beomgyu yawned.
"We have gotten used to sleepy Beomgyu. He is good at cuddling." Kai mentions.
"It is a special pregnant skill."
Soobin laughs "Let me pop that popcorn for you all."

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