Suho*exo*•Rounds of Reassurance•

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Suho looks away from the grill to his right "Yes? What?" He asked. "We smelt food cooking. Why are you awake?" "Did I wake up everyone?" Suho questioned "Sorry. And um, I am making pancakes." "Yes, we can see the pancakes. But why are you cooking at two o'clock?"
"It seemed to be the most reasonable thing to do." Suho answers. Xiumin approaches the leader "How about you talk with us? We can eat your pancakes as we have a talk. Does that sound okay?" Xiumin removes the spatula from Suho "Can someone set plates? Let's go sit down. Nice and easy at the table." Xiumin wraps his arm around Suho's waist and walks him to a table chair. Chanyeol sets the plates "How many pancakes does everyone want?" Kyungsoo asks. He delivers the asked pancakes on the plates.

"So why are you cooking this early Hyung?"
Suho stabs his pancake "I am stressing how everything will change once he arrives. I..I think I should break my contract of being an EXO member." His voice waivers.
"Why would you do that?"
"I know you all are being kind to me, tolerating me because I am a Hyung. But I am being insufferable. I am moody, and I cry easily, and I get agitated over simple things. And haven't you been reading the newspaper of us? They are saying I fill out the stage, just by this." Suho puts his hands on top of his bump. "It would be easier if I left." Suho added.

"You are none of those what you just said about yourself Hyung." Sehun spoke "You are doing your best to tolerate us while you are pregnant." Suho covers his eyes.
"Well then." Baekhyun began "These worries you have will be brought up when you go to your appointment this morning."
"We are all going with you. No exceptions." Chen decided. Suho sighed, but picked up his fork with a piece of pancake.
"And importantly, we will see our nephew." Kai added, covering Suho's bump with his hand.
"Ooh! That is very true!"

Suho smiles as he feels the members prodding his bump "He is currently sleeping." Suho commented."Like you should be doing Hyung. Let's get you up to bed." "Can I sleep on the couch? I am lazy and do not want to walk up the stairs." Suho confesses. "Of course you can. Sehun, please collect Suho's pillows and a blanket from his room." The Maknae left to bring back what was requested.
"Let's go." Xiumin lifts Suho out of the chair "Whoa there, your belly has its own ideas of personal space." Suho exhaled a laugh "I am my own postal area." Xiumin sighs "You are not your own postal area Suho. Your bump is yet to stick out against your frame. You are at the perfect size. We can all cuddle with our leader, and give love to our nephew." Suho made a face "Will you stay down here with me?" "Of course I will. Do you want me to sing?" Suho nodded "Sing whatever you want. I just want to listen to your voice."

"This looks like we had a terrible orgy." Suho whispers. Baekhyun coughed to hide his laughter.
"And that is what we will say. We are here to see which one of us got you knocked up." Chanyeol added. "I regret asking you all to come in with me." Suho rubs his eyes. "Don't worry. You won't know we are in the room with you!"
Suho lifts his eyebrows "Only if I could believe all of you."

"And I assume one of these men are the father?"
"Hopefully you could help us figure that out. We have narrowed it down to four members. Myself included."
Suho glared "I do not plan on letting the father be involved in my sons life. Can we please carry on?"
"Of course. Before beginning do you have any questions for me?"
Suho licks his lips "I was cooking pancakes at two o'clock this morning. I have been feeling.. as an inconvenience. Me becoming pregnant has put stress on my friends."
The doctor looked to the friends "Have any of you spoken of the stress Suho speaks of?"
"He is only stressing himself out. We are trying to keep him calm and reassured. Suho is having a difficult time believing us when we say nothing he is doing is bothering us Doctor."
"I believe part of you feeling this way, is due to you being independent earlier. Now since you have noticed doing simple tasks have become difficult, you may feel as a nuisance. Am I right Suho?"
"You are Doctor." "You are not being a nuisance. You are trying to figure out how to be pregnant for the first time. It is scary. It is unknown. None of your friends have been married, so they cannot help you." "We want to try though." Suho rubs his nose "I..thank you..everyone. Now erm." Suho cleared his throat "Can we look at my boy?"

"And there he is."
The members crowd around their leader "Look at him Hyung!" "He looks like you." "He will be the sweetest looking baby to be delivered."
Suho smiles; knowing now he has the support of his friends, and how excited he can be over his son.

Chanyeol slides his hand to Suho's bump, but remains silent. He slowly felt everyone slide their hands on his bump "We are your reassurance. Come to us if you begin having doubts. We will care for you, and for him." "I promise that if doubts begin to rise again, I will express my worries to one of you."
"Good then."
"That is settled. Who wants chicken?" Kai asks.

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