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Sorry for this being late~ happy readings!

ARMYgirl777 Sorry for this being late~ happy readings! 🤍SooKai🤍

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Giving birth is stressful enough. Kai was aware of anything that could of gone wrong, he also made his significant other, Soobin aware of any of these risks. For the entire 40 weeks, Soobin was worried and stressed for the both of them. Which he would take the stress away from Kai, considering expecting parent should have not too much stress. It did not help that every night before going to bed Kai would tell him another way that could go wrong during the delivery. Soobin got little to no sleep during those long weeks. He was paranoid of anything new Kai experienced. So many hospital visits he forced Kai just to make sure after Kai felt something new or off. Each time Kai, and Soobin were reassured that their baby is okay. And how Soobin is stressed might be having an effect on baby. Soobin tried to lessen his worry.

Keyword, tried.

Which leads us here.

Kai was escorted to the hospital by Soobin as his contractions started becoming regular. Brought in by eight that morning, the pair believed they would have a baby by the next morning, when later that night. Before long the clock read 8:00 pm.
"12 hours since arrival." Kai commented. Soobin rubbed his eyes "So it has been. Are you feeling anything different? No changes in the past two hours?"
Kai shook his head "I know. I want this baby out of me, but safety done."
"Hello Kai." His Doctor, Doctor Jin walked in "It says you have been here for twelve hours now."
"And still no baby."
"So it does say." Doctor Jin set down the clipboard "Let me examine you to check. First time deliverers typically do take a longer wait time." He puts on a pair of rubber gloves then hovered over Kai. Kai contorts his face in pain "You are not progressing as you should. Let's give you one more hour then we might need to take a new approach. Until then, do try to sleep. I know it is difficult to try for rest, please do try."

One hour in, Kai was in active labour. He was surrounded by the Doctor and his team. Soobin noted all their expressions. It felt as though they knew something that he didn't.

As Kai squeezed his hand, Soobin rejoined in their conversation "Something's wrong." Doctor Jin begins. "It is as though your baby is stuck." "What do you mean as stuck Doctor?"
"It means your baby is bigger than we anticipated. So baby is stuck with no room to exit. And he is loosing oxygen." "So he cannot breath?" "He is still breathing, but it is only a matter of time."
"Then what are you doing! Do what you need to do."
"That requires a c-section."
"Do it then." Kai demanded "Can you save baby? If so, then yes, I consent. Let my baby live."
Soobin puts his forehead against Kai's.
"Then it is decided. We have an operating room ready for you."
"Soobin is coming too with us?" Kai hoped.
"I am not leaving you Kai. Not now, or ever."

Kai opened his eyes, which Soobin noted were glossed over "Whatever they gave me, it is the shit. You should have a baby just so you can have this feeling." Kai giggled. Soobin looked at the nurse "It is normal. It will wear off. But your husband might be loopy."
"Loopy. Sloppy. Hoopy. Booty." Kai giggled. Soobin suppresses his laugh.

"Incision line."

Soobin stoke Kai's hair "Not long now Kai."
"Not long now. Ooh that..ow..ow..what is that feeling?"
"They are removing your baby. You might feel pressure, but it is normal. Keep talking with your husband Soobin."
"Soobinnie. Hi. Guess what? We are having our baby now. Oh sorry, I did not give you time to guess."
Soobin laughed and smiled "That's okay. Wow, our baby Kai. Our baby will have your little face and my smile."
"A knockout of looking beautiful."
"What if it's a girl?"
"An angelic, perfect who is ours."

Doctor Jin holds up a baby over the cover "And here is the person of this main event."
"What is it?"
"A girl. Congratulations."
"Our daughter."
"Choi Byeol."
"Her name will be Choi Byeol."

Soobin held Byeol in his arms "You gave me a scare while delivering you. Did you know that? Well yes you did. And oh your dad is so tired. See? That is your dad, but because of him, you are here. So try to be mindful of that later in your teenager years when you hate our guts and call us old. And maybe that we don't understand. That is a staple of being a parent if you are accused of not understanding. But we are young still where we will still be knowledgeable on the trend is."
Kai blinks his eyes "What happened to Byeol?"
"She is right here. Say hi to your other daddy."
"Hi, Byeol." Kai waved "I hope this is not a dream for if it is, then I do not want to wake."
"We are not dreaming. This is us using some experience to help expand our knowledge. Do you want to see her Kai?"
Kai yawned "Not yet. You two get aquatinted. I will let you knew when I want my baby."

Welcome back. 🖤

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