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Hongjoong Seonghwa
👆🏻 👇🏻

Hongjoong looks over the couch to find Seonghwa asleep on the couch, with their newborn daughter Hae-Won also asleep. Asleep in her bassinet Hongjoong pulled out his phone. Zooming in on his daughter, he takes a few photos, saving them into his camera roll. Those would be sent to his parents later. Moving his camera away from Hae-Won he focuses it over Seonghwa: his sweater had ridden up from sleeping and one of his leggings that he wore during pregnancy. On his shoulder was a pink burp rag and his glasses that he fell asleep wearing. His lips were pink and parted apart. His hair was more full, with his natural color showing through the bleach, as he could not bleach his hair while during pregnancy. Moving closer to Seonghwa, Hongjoong presses the button to take a photo. Seonghwa opened his eyes "Is she crying?" He sits up. "No, she is okay." Hongjoong reassured "Look at these photos." He hands over his phone. Seonghwa swipes through the photos "She is my angel." He whispered "I carried that angel. Wow. Hongjoong, look at our baby."
Hongjoong kisses his neck "You did carry our angel."
Seonghwa looks back at Hae-Won "When will the boys be coming over?" He looked back at Hongjoong.
"They told us that they are waiting for me or you to text them to meet her."
"That is nice of them. Thank you for putting up those boundaries." Seonghwa praised.
"It is my job." Hongjoong kisses him again.

Hae-Won began crying, causing Seonghwa attempting to stand up, but froze and grimaced "Sit Seonghwa." Hongjoong demanded. "I will get her." Hongjoong scoops up his daughter "Hi princess. Did you sleep well? Ooh..big yawn." He cooed. Cradling her into his chest Hongjoong carried her to Seonghwa "Do you want to see daddy? Oh there he is. Say hi to daddy." Hongjoong sits down next to Seonghwa. Hongjoong passes over Hae-Won, who also curled into his chest. He begins to rock Hae-Won. Her eyes closed. "Did you just need your dads?" Seonghwa cooed. Hongjoong takes another photo. He sent it to the Ateez group chat.

'I just want to smell her! New baby smell😍' Hongjoong laughed "What is funny?" Seonghwa questioned. "San wants to smell our baby." He answered. Seonghwa nods his head "I think he is ready for another baby."
"He is, but Woo is definitely not ready for another. Not yet."
'What can I bring for you Seonghwa Hyung☺️'
Seonghwa felt his phone vibrate. Opening the text he smiles 'Sushi. Lots of sushi.' He replied. Hongjoong rolled his eyes at Seonghwa's reply "You had sushi the day she was born."
"There is always time to have sushi." Seonghwa argued "If that is what you want." Hongjoon agreed.

Hoongjoong steps outside. Reading the sign that was taped to the door, Hoongjoong nodded in approval. 'Hi! We are so glad that you are here to meet our newest addition, Hae-Won! While it is exciting to meet her, Seonghwa and myself ask that if you are reading this sign please be aware that baby asleep! We ask that you do not ring the doorbell. Instead, please send us a message. We will be by our phones waiting for the notification from someone. Thank you for understanding. Also! Yes we are making it a requirement to wash your hands before holding the baby. And no kisses. Thank you!'
Walking through the door he witnessed Seonghwa lay down Hae-Won down into her bassinet. He watches as Seonghwa pats his daughters tummy as she begins to whine "Shh..shh. Take a nap baby." He coos. Hoongjoong stays planted until her snore could be heard "The sign is up for the boys." He whispered.
"Thank you. Hopefully we will have time before the boys arrive. Hae-Won will also hopefully will be a happy little miss."

Seonghwa was in the kitchen cleaning as Yunho was cooking dinner tonight, with Hongjoong upstairs folding laundry that has been neglected. Seonghwa would leave the kitchen to check on Hae-Won. Still asleep each time.
Glancing at the clock it was 11:00, Hae-Won would sleep for another half an hour then be awake to eat.

Seonghwa was sweeping the crumbs he brushed off the counter when he heard the doorbell. Dropping the broom he ran to the door:

Hongjoong heard the doorbell. Then he heard Hae-Won. Looking at his wrist it was 11:15. She is awake too early. Leaving the laundry he walks downstairs.

"Talk to them." Seonghwa seethed as he passed him.

Hongjoong stood in front of his members "That sign was not a recommendation." He reminded. "We are new parents trying to find a pattern that works for us. I do not care who rang the bell, I will be going upstairs to check on Seonghwa."

He found Seonghwa in the nursery "I'm sorry for overreacting." Seonghwa says "That sign was there to prevent this from happening. Yet it still happened!"
Hongjoong sits down on the floor with Seonghwa "It was not meant to be malicious. I think they were excited to meet her."
"I understand that, really, I do. But Hongjoong, this is the first time that our day did not go exactly the same."
Hongjoong takes Seonghwas hands into his "Is that why you are upset? Something unexpected happened instead of our predicable days? Honey, we have a baby. We are parents. Not everyday will always be the same. We are in the newborn stage right now where all she does is sleep. Our predicable days will change."
"I am scared of change. I expected our lives to change while I was pregnant, but not to change so much once she was born. I am not in control, and that is..scary."
"That is scary Seonghwa." He agreed "You are not scared by yourself. This is new to me too. And scary. But I look at you, and I know that we can face the day together. If I have you, then we will be okay."
Seonghwa kisses Hongjoongs hands "We should go rescue the boys from our daughter."
Hongjoong laughed but agreed.

Exiting the nursery both looked at each other "Why is it so quiet?"

Coming down the stairs, Hongjoong was first, saw the members on the couch. Mingi was holding Hae-Won. "Hi." Mingi held up the baby "We swaddled her. She is still awake."
Hongjoong peeks to look at the baby, who was awake "How did you learn how to swaddle?"
"It's online." Mingi answered "Does she look okay?" He continued. "She looks comfortable. Good job Mingi." He lowered the baby so he could see her again.
"I want to see her." Wooyoung whined, opening his arms. Mingi transferred Hae-Won to Wooyoung "Wow! Look at those eyelashes! Just like your daddy." He exclaimed. He watched Hae-Won who was looking back at him "Are you okay?" Seonghwa worried. "I am." Wooyoung replied "Do you want her next San?"
"Is that the Hyungs?"
Yunho and Yeosang leave the kitchen.
"Did you get my sushi?" Seonghwa questioned.
"Yes I did. It is in the fridge."

Seonghwa ran into the kitchen.

Yunho watched as San held the baby "Want her next?" San offered. "I have never held a baby." Yunho explained. "That is okay. Here. Hold your arms out. Yep, like that. Okay and with your right arm support her head." San positioned Hae-Won into his arms "Totally looks natural." Hongjoong teased. Yunho blushed but laughed "I guess you are good practice." Yunho commented.
"Practice for what Yunho?"
Yunho opened his mouth then shut it "Are you, or is it Yeosang?"
"Yeosang." Yunho answered "He is 13 weeks as of today. Sorry for making this announcement. We did not come here to take away from your baby!"
Hongjoong hugs Yunho "It is okay! That will be our third Ateez baby."

"Yeosang denied the sushi!" Seonghwa came running out of the kitchen "I think that means he is pregnant!" Seonghwa declared.
Yeosang trailed behind Seonghwa.
"Yunho made the announcement." Hongjoong confirmed.

Jongho who now was holding Hae-Won rocked the baby "We are the only normal ones in this family Hae-Won."

Hi there readers!
I have been wanting to write this for a while now, glad that I finally did. What did you think of this? Let me know in the comments! Vote. Comment. Do both. Make a request🫧.
Until the next time!


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