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Xiao Jun imagined living his life to any possibilities, without the worries of having babies, or children in general

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Xiao Jun imagined living his life to any possibilities, without the worries of having babies, or children in general. No, he was not a baby hater, simply not a baby wanter. Babies complicate lives, they dictate, and control the parents lives. Everything they once were, ceases to exist anymore. They become baby obsessed. And so he lived his life in that way. Childfree.
He was able to do as he wanted. Wether it was going out with friends at 11:00 at night, and coming home not until the next morning, or sleeping away the day. He was saving his paychecks for his dream car. Something else he reasoned if he had kids, would have to be altered.

Except for Kun.

His significant other for two years.

Kun wanted a family. A large family, with as he explained a lot of babies.

Xiao Jun cringed as Kun dreamed of having babies.

He was baby crazy. While in public if Kun noticed a baby, he would awe and baby talk to the baby. Xiao Jun cringed, again.

And then, the topic arose.

Having one baby at the moment.
With Xiao Jun being the one to carry the child.

Does he love Kun enough to start a family with him though?

He was met with Kun's eyes, which he thought was unfair as those eyes have powers.

Xiao Jun became pregnant.

Everything started with his morning sickness; which held Xiao Jun captive in bed for a month. He required a bucket next to the bed, for the nights there would be no making it to the bathroom. He did not understand his body. As he was vomiting from food, his body at the same time was reminding him that he was hungry again. What he wanted, hotcakes, was what made him feel the most nauseated.
During that time, Kun did his best to never allow Xiao Jun feel alone, that he was the supportive boyfriend.

Kun looked into the best treatments for early morning sickness, finding that tea can help ease morning sickness. And crackers.

"Have you had your crackers and tea?"
"Must I?"
"Yes. It only helps when you are consistent. It is helping you not feel nauseated. Drink your tea, and eat a few crackers." Kun sits criss cross next to Xiao Jun. As he drinks his tea, Kun rubs the bump that was growing, something else for Xiao Jun to pout over.
"Why do you insist on touching me Kun? I am not the one who met you."
"Yes you are. Except you are a better version of when I met you."
"I am fat and moody. And I am still vomiting. Now ravish me Kun. How does that sound anyway attractive?"
"Because it is you. And you,my beautiful, are attractive. With or without this. Now, how are you feeling? Did the tea help you this morning?" Kun wondered.

Xiao Jun did not want to admit the tea helped.

"Heartburn means that baby will have a lot of hair. Is that true? Will you have a lot of hair?" Hendrey cooed. "I did not experience heartburn with either of my babies." He continues.
"How fortunate for you. I have it daily." He explained.
Hendrey pouts "That is most unfortunate. It must be uncomfortable for you. At your next appointment you might need to mention the heartburn. Sometimes it can be dangerous."

Xiao Jun scanned Hendrey; even at 32 weeks with his second baby, he still looked better than he would at that stage.

"I did not know you were a pregnant know it all Hendrey." Xiao Jun spat.
"Xiao Jun." Kun interfered "It is time for your vitamins."
Xiao Jun glares at Hendrey "Okay." He said. Kun escorted the pregnant man into the kitchen "What in the hell was that!" Kun ranted.
Xiao Jun crossed his arms "I am jealous."
"Of Hendrey. Whatever for?"
Xiao Jun exhaled "Seriously? Have you seen him! How does pregnancy work so well with him? He is a walking billboard for male pregnancy. As I look like a campaign to avoid becoming pregnant."
"What does that mean? Are you ashamed you are having my baby?"
"At times yes, Kun! You knew I did not want a baby. I was happy with being childfree. No, that was not an answer for you! You guilted me into having this..experiencing all of this traumatic experience. This is all of your fault. I see no positives in the end result."

Kun nodded his head "Xiao Jun. okay. I..I will not apologize. What I will apologize about is choosing you to carry my baby. Once the baby is born, you will hold no responsibility to it."
"Kun. Kun." Xiao Jun reaches out for him "Come back. Come here."
Kun ignores his pleads.

Xiao Jun walks himself into the bedroom, where he shifts on the bed until he's comfortable.
"What do I do? I love your father. Kun is a good man, I suspect you know that. He loves you already. He has loved me during this. My most difficult time in my life, carrying you. Also. Those words of mentioning I did not want you, they are false. I do want you, I do not want your father to take you away from me. We can be a happy family. We can figure our future together. With you."

"Do you really think we can figure our future out together?"
"Kun." Xiao Jun breathed. "You were listening."
Kun nods. He laid on the bed on his stomach "What does this mean about us? And baby."
"It means-" Xiao Jun begins "That baby will be our beautiful treasure. Something not found, but something we both worked to create."
"Like a beautiful piece of art."
Xiao Jun nodded again "A piece of art that will make sense only to you and I Kun."
Kun runs his hand across Xiao Jun's bump "Something that you and I only can see the beauty."

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