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Here's a kinda morbid and supernatural one.

She appears like a spirit, but you know that's not what she is.

The first time you saw her was when there was a car accident near you. One of the people was dying—you could literally see their life slowly depleting.
She was there. Clothed in all black, hair darker than a raven's plumage—she was darkness itself. Her eyes were lined in black, and her lips were painted a deep red. She looked dangerous, yet something just drew you to her.
She looked up, meeting your eyes. She looked almost surprised, but as quickly as she looked at you, she looked away. Then, she disappeared.
The second time you saw her, the neighbor's cat had died. You found poor Whiskers behind your house. She was there, too. She was standing over him, watching.
"Hey," you called, and she looked to you. Her eyes seemed to look through you as she narrowed them. You could feel the danger radiating off her. This time, she was wearing a long black coat.
"You again," she said. You were taken aback by how...normal she sounded. Her voice was like silk—not what you'd imagined from her appearance.
"Who are you?"
"None of your business," she said, moving away from the dead cat and starting toward you.
You stepped back, feeling a bit scared.
"The important question is, what are you?" she hissed. You could've sworn you saw flames in her dark eyes.
You realized she asked "what" you were, not "who".
"Human," you said, starting to realize that she wasn't human.
"Liar," she snapped, and she lunged forward. You yelped and held up your arm. You were blinded by dark smoke, but when your vision cleared, she was nowhere to be seen.
The times after that you saw her, you always spoke to her, but she ignored you. You knew she could hear you, but she just refused to acknowledge you. With time, you figured out who she was. It honestly wasn't that hard, but you didn't really want to believe it.
Now, as you stand in front of a dead bird on the ground, you know she's going to appear. You don't know how it works—so many living things cease living every second. How can she be everywhere at once?
Right on cue, she appears beside you.
"You'd better not have killed the bird," she says, taking you by surprise.
"I would never." You look to her. She doesn't meet your eyes, instead moving to the bird.
"You won't give up, will you?" she questions, staring at the bird as if she's talking to it. But you know she's talking to you.
"Why not?"
"Because...something draws me to you," you reply.
She finally looks to you. There're those flames again.
"Do you know who I am?"
You fall silent. You do, but you don't know if you should say.
"Do you know who I am?" she repeats, venom in her voice.
She pauses, and the corner of her lip turns up into a smirk.
"I'm not Death." Her voice is low. "I'm much worse."

felt like writing a weird one

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