That Person

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You're talking with your girlfriend, Demi...

"What are you saying?" you ask, your heart beating faster. She'd had you sit down for a talk, and her tone had made your blood run cold.
You can't believe what's happening right now.
"I love you. You know that," she says. "We both need someone who can dedicate everything for the other's happiness." She looks down, her dark hair falling over her face.
You realize you're digging your nails into your palms, and you force yourself to unclench your fists.
She looks up again, but she won't meet your eyes. "You can be that person for me," she says softly. Her voice is calm, but you can hear the layer of pain behind it. "But I can't be that person for you."
It takes you a moment to understand the depth of her words. You experience that feeling that comes about when you're right about to fall asleep. You're falling and falling, when suddenly, you jerk awake once more.
Only this time, you're stuck in the moment right before you wake up. It's like you're endlessly falling.
You feel breathless; your heart is beating rapidly. You can't believe this is happening right now.
She reaches for you, and she puts a hand on your knee. You feel your breath hitch. You try to say something, but you can't form any words.
They're stuck in your throat, refusing to come forth.
"I'm sorry," she says, standing up. Your knee feels cold from the loss of her hand's warmth. Your heart, on the other hand, feels entirely empty.
You just stare at the floor. You'd spent years with her. You would sit right here on this couch, your limbs intertwined as you watched a movie.
You can hear her vaguely as she says something, but you can't understand. You can't hear.
After a moment, you hear the front door slam shut. You stop falling, and you jerk awake. Metaphorically and literally. You realize what just happened, and you lurch to your feet.
"Demi!" you yell, running out the door. Only you can't find her. She's not there. You look toward the driveway; her car is already gone.
Your heart is broken. You feel like you can't breathe. Something is squeezing your lungs. You fall to your knees, and the hard concrete tears your jeans. A sharp pain runs through your body, but you don't even care.
You look down at the ground. You're so numb. Nothing feels real.
Nothing is real without her.


Days turn into weeks. Weeks turn into months.
And that's when you get a call.
You answer it without looking at the caller ID.
"Hello?" you say, and your heart almost stops when you hear her voice.
"Demi?" you breathe, your heart starting to beat faster.
"Yeah," she says softly. "Would you be willing to meet?"
"Yes," you respond immediately.
"Our usual place?" she asks.
"In thirty minutes okay?" you question.
"Yeah," she replies.
"Okay, I'll see you."
You prepare to hang up, but you falter when she says, "Hey." You pause. "I missed you."
You feel a rush of different emotions. You feel nostalgic. You feel a bit mad. You feel upset. You feel so many different things.
"Yeah," you finally reply, unable to say much anything else.
"Yeah," she replies awkwardly. "Right. See you."
"See—" you start, but she's already hung up. You let out a breath. You're filled with conflicted emotions. Yet you do know one thing: you miss her.
So swallowing any negative feelings you have, you go to meet her.
She's already there, waiting at the usual spot: under "the tree" in the park. The breeze is cool and comforting, but you feel nervous.
"Hey," she says as you approach her. You don't know how you feel. There's no doubt that you still love her, but your wounds are still open and raw.
"Hey," you reply finally as you reach her. You look into her brown eyes. You can see the love you still feel for her reflected in them.
"I'm sorry," she says. You can hear the regret in her voice. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I wish I could have gone without doing that. I wish we could have met now—though I wouldn't give up those years with you for all the money in the entire world."
You're not sure what to say, so you just nod.
"I told you that I couldn't be that person for you. Now, I can. If you're willing to let me try," she says softly.
You let out a breath, unsure of how to respond. You would love more than anything to have her in your life again. You still love her.
You look into her eyes. You don't know what she's done these past few months, but you can tell that there's something different about her. She looks...determined. She looks ready to be that person for you.
"Demetria, I think you know I still love you."
She nods.
"I just want to spend the rest of my life with you," you admit, and she smiles slightly. "But you hurt me."
"I know I did," she says, looking down for a moment before looking to you again. "And I'm so sorry. I know nothing will make up for what I did to you, but I couldn't stay with you like that. It wasn't fair to either of us."
"You needed time," you say, and she nods.
"It was selfish, and I know that."
"That was the only time you did something for yourself, but it was still for the both of us," you say, and she smiles a bit. "Demi, I know you. And I love you. More than anything." You reach forward, taking her hands in yours. "Just be with me. Please."
"Really?" she asks, her eyes soft as she looks at you.
You lean in at the same moment that she does, and your lips meet. You missed this feeling so much. You wrap your arms around her tightly, pulling her into you. You feel as though she might disappear at any moment.
"I love you," you whisper against her lips, making her smile. Her lips are warm and soft against yours.
"I love you more," she murmurs. She tastes like sunshine and rainbows.
You feel like your world is finally complete once more. Probably because it is.

that was long
And kinda different
I hope you liked ittttt
And also self promo but like leave a comment/question on my curious cat (link in bio—I sound like a YouTuber)

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