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It's the day after Valentine's. Your bed is still covered in rose petals.

"Wake the fuck up!" someone yells, making you almost fall out of bed. You'd been having a dream about sleeping and having a dream. It was interesting to say the least.
"What's happening? Are we under attack?" you ask as you jerk awake. You nearly head-butt your girlfriend, who was right there in front of you. "Holy fuck."
"Good morning to you, too," she replies.
"What are you doing? It's literally five in the morning," you groan.
"It's time to go look at the sunset," she says, and you narrow your eyes at her.
"The sunset."
"I mean the sunrise. Obviously. You can't expect me to know what I'm talking about at five in the morning."
"Bitch, you're the one who woke me up," you groan, running a hand through your hair and yawning slightly.
"Shut up and get ready," she tells you, and you let out a breath.
"This better be worth it. I didn't get much sleep last night thanks to someone," you say as you pull yourself out of bed.
"I didn't hear you complaining last night," she responds, and you roll your eyes.
Any normal person would assume that you spent the night fucking, but no. You were playing board games literally all night because she insisted on going for best out of three. Then when she lost, best out of five. You couldn't really complain because she was so cute about it.
"Well I'm complaining now," you tell her, going into the bathroom. "Bitch you'd better not follow me in here," you add, closing the door behind you.
She giggles outside the door and taps on the wood.
"Stop it," you say, stifling a laugh. She keeps tapping, and you groan. "Demetria, I swear to god."
She stops tapping and just giggles.
You finish in the bathroom and walk out with a toothbrush in your mouth.
"Get away from me," you say as she tries to throw something at you. "I have something in my mouth."
"Hurry up. We're going to miss the fucking sunrise," she whines.
"Will you give me a fucking minute," you groan, going back into the bathroom and spitting out the toothpaste.
"Hurry," she says as you gargle and make your way out of the bathroom. You change quickly, and she practically drags you out of the room. You nearly trip as you try to walk down the stairs.
"Slow the fuck down," you groan, and she shakes her head.
"We don't have time, you slow ass."
"Why are you so mean to me?" you whine.
"I'm nice to you," she replies, whacking your arm lightly.
"Bitch," you say, stifling a laugh.
"Right back at you," she tells you, pulling you out the door. She slams the door behind you, probably waking up everyone on the block. But she doesn't care because she's pulling you into the yard.
"Here," she says, leading you to the blanket on the grass. "Sit."
You sit down beside her. The sun is just rising over the horizon, and she seems relieved that you made it in time.
You look to her face. She looks so beautiful in the light. Her eyes shine, and her cheeks are slightly flushed.
"You're really fucking annoying, you know that? Hmm Demetria?" you ask, and she looks to you.
"I'm aware." She smiles slightly before adding, "But you love me."
"I do. I don't play board games until one in the morning for just anyone."
"And I love you. Even though you don't let me win."
"That just means that I actually love you," you reply, and she giggles.
She leans in and presses her lips to yours. You smile against her lips and move a hand to her face.
You don't really like being woken up at such an ungodly hour, but you have to admit: it's pretty fucking nice right now.
Only she suddenly whacks you in the head with a pillow. Although you kind of expected it at this point.

I feel like she'd be extra like this

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