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You met her online...

You: I want to meet you

You say, despite only having known her for a few months. It's true, though. You want to meet her.

Her: I feel the same way

Your heart skips a beat.

You: Do you think we could actually meet one day?

You met her because you'd been watching her sing on YouTube. You hit it off, and you've become good friends.
She's relatively popular, but she isn't famous by any means.

Her: I do think so

You bite your lip as you respond.

You: maybe someday you could come over on a tour
Her: I'd like that ;)

What the fuck.
What does that winky mean. What is happening. How does one breathe.
She messages you again.

Her: Although, I don't know how much time I could spend with you on tour. I'd much rather meet you now.

You stare at your phone.

You: That sounds nice
Her: You don't sound very excited. Is something wrong?


You: nothing! :)
Her: You're acting weird.
You: I'm excited
Her: Did you bump your head

You smile slightly.

You: no
Her: Are you sure about that
You: well not really

You keep talking, and after a while, she actually books tickets to come meet you. Who knew YouTube paid so well?


It's the day.
You're going to meet her.
You're going to throw up.
"Stay calm," you tell yourself as you stand in the airport.
It's almost time. She should be here right about...
"Hey!" she yells, and you spot her in the crowd. Her cheeks are slightly red, and she grins as she comes over to you.
"Demi," you say, forgetting everything else in the world.
"It's you," she says, throwing her arms around you. Her luggage is forgotten, dropped at her feet.
"I can't believe this," you breathe, breathing in her scent.
She smells of vanilla and lavender. You've never smelled anything so perfect. You want to live in her scent.
Every single day, you dreamed of burying your face in her hair, and now you're really doing it. Not in a creepy way. Of course. Pft.

Little did you know, that was the start of something beautiful.

imagine tho

Demi Imagines 2.0Where stories live. Discover now