The Butterflies

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You're at home being panicked because that's the thing to do...

You look at your phone, waiting for a reply from her. You're already nervous. You keep reading and rereading what you'd written. You'd taken your time with it, changing something here and there and constantly trying to make it perfect. Nothing can be perfect, but you were going to try to get this message as close as possible.
You stare at your phone screen, and you let out a breath. She hasn't texted you back in a few hours. You know she's busy. Yet you still want to hear from her. You miss her whenever you're not talking. You think back to when she had more time and when you spoke literally all day long.
You miss that. You think back on it longly as you look to your phone once more. She's texted you, and your heart starts to beat faster. You look to her message, and it says:
I finally finished work
She's typing, and you receive another message:
How are you?
You smile and text her back quickly:
I'm great! You?
She replies:
Your heart is pounding in your chest. You type your message and close your eyes. Letting out a breath, you hit send:
Can I tell you something?
She reads the message immediately, and you feel like you're about to pass out.
Of course! What's up?
You go to your notes and find your message that you'd prepared. It's now or never. You paste the message and read it over one last time. You want to change so many things, but you know this is the best it's going to be. You can't just keep putting it off. You close your eyes and let out another breath. You hit send. It's going, and then just like that, it's gone.
You stare at your screen and see it flash that she's read it. You feel nauseous. Your palms are sweating, and you're trembling slightly. You're absolutely terrified to hear her response.
You wait as she types. You wait some more. And then she stops typing. You tremble some more.
You wait.
And you wait.
And you wait.
It feels like forever before she replies:
Thank you for telling me.
I really appreciate your telling me that.
She's still typing. Your heart is beating rapidly in your chest. You feel sick. You have a sinking feeling in your stomach.
I don't know what to say.
I just want to be friends for now.

Your heart sinks into your stomach. You put down your phone once. You need a moment to process this. You can't believe this. You're mortified. But that's when she sends you another message, making your phone make a noise.
Maybe if we meet up sometime?
It's left up in the air, and your heart lifts once more.
You text her back quickly:
Of course! Do you have time this week?
And like that, you don't feel as scared anymore. You set up a time to meet, and you're so much more relaxed. It's going to be okay.
Well, you're terrified to see her again, but that aside, it's going to be great. It'll all be okay.


The day is here, and you're nervous out of your mind. You feel like you could literally pass out at any moment. You're scared, nervous, excited, and utterly terrified all at the same time. You hope you don't look like a mixture of those emotions. That would not be pretty.
No matter, you have to hurry up and get to the meeting spot you'd decided: the park. It seemed decent. The weather's nice, and you could just chat in the park.
You haven't seen her in a few years. You'd stayed in touch, but your schedules never really matched. It was an effort to set up anything. This was nothing less than a miracle.
You let out a breath and head to the park. It's a little drive away—just fifteen minutes. Ironically, the two of you live decently close to one another, but it's been hard for the two of you to meet simply due to your schedules.
You blast music in an attempt to calm yourself. You feel like you're going to crash the fucking car if you don't calm your tits. But you are not calm. You can't be calm. And neither can your tits.
You arrive at the park after about twenty minutes, and you park in an open space. You look at yourself in the mirror and let out a breath.
"It's okay," you tell yourself. You get out and head into the park. The birds are chirping, and the sunlight is warm on your body. You feel a bit more at ease; you love being in nature. You're glad you picked this spot. You would be more nervous in a café, for example.
That's when you see her. She's sitting on a bench by the fountain. Your heart starts to beat faster.
"Hey!" you call after what feels like forever. She looks toward you, and a grin forms on her gorgeous face when your eyes meet.
"Hey!" she replies, standing up and starting toward you. You walk toward her, your heart ready to beat out of your chest.
"It's so good to see you," you say, and she grins as she opens her arms. She wants to hug you. Your face flushes as you wrap your arms around her. She smells good. You remember her scent even after all those years, and she stills smells the same. It's amazing.
You breathe in slightly and pull her closer.
"I missed you so much," she says, and your heart skips a beat.
"I missed you, too," you reply, pulling away and looking at her face. She smiles, her brown eyes shining in the light.
"Do you feel that?" she asks.
"The butterflies," she whispers, and your heart skips a beat. You feel them—a lot.
"Yeah," you whisper back, and she smiles wider. Her entire face lights up, and your heart just about bursts with warmth.
"Let's give this a shot," she says, and you can only nod. You can't believe this. You're over the moon.
You never thought you would ever reconnect with your future wife in this way. Just shows how strange—and incredible—life can be.

yes I told him I liked him
and he replied
that for NOW he wants to be friends
and said how he doesn't know (isn't sure? idk I'm translating here) because we haven't seen each other in so long and like yes I get that
so I may be going to visit him at the beach on Saturday whoops

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