Promises Part 2

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She told you to come to her workplace at 10 P.M. You've arrived at ten til...

"Hey," she says when she sees you. She grins brightly. You thought she'd seem more tired, but she actually seems really energetic today.
"So," you say, and she nods.
"Come come," she says, taking your hand. She seems really fucking excited about this. It's actually adorable.
"What is it?" you ask. You could barely sleep last night from the anticipation.
"I'll show you," she says, pulling you into her office. Nothing seems amiss, and you look around the room. It's clean, as if she just cleaned it. There's a large box on her desk, and you eye it suspiciously.
"What's that?"
"The thing," she says.
"What thing?" you ask, going over to the box.
"Open it," she says, and you smile slightly. You open up the box and look inside. It's filled with papers. You furrow your brow.
"What's this?" you ask, and she rolls her eyes.
"Just look," she says. "I was planning on giving this to you on our anniversary, but I think I've accumulated enough anyway."
You take a piece of paper from the box and look at it. It's actually a letter to you. At the top of the paper, it says: "To read when you're sad."
"What is this?" you ask, looking to her.
"I was spending all that time writing letters to you," she says, moving closer and taking another paper in her hand.
"How many are there?" you ask, looking through the box. There are so many papers in there that you could probably make an entire tree out of them.
"Probably more than a hundred," she responds, and your eyes widen.
"I wanted to do something really fucking special for you but...I just," she lets out a breath. "I'm sorry I was being such a worthless girlfriend."
"What? No. Don't say that," you say quickly, your heart clenching.
"I wasn't paying any attention to you. I'm so sorry—"
"Are you kidding? You were writing all this for me. I don't deserve you," you say, starting to feel tears in your eyes.
"I'm the one who doesn't deserve—" she starts, but you pull her into you and press your lips to hers, cutting her off. She smiles against you and pulls you closer.
You slide your hands up, tangling them in her hair as she grabs your ass.
"I love you," you whisper against her.
"I love you more," she mumbles, her lips turning up into a smirk. You feel your heart skip a beat.
"Impossible," you respond, smiling against her.
She pulls away slightly and looks into your eyes. "I think it is possible," she says, her eyes sparkling in the light. "I have something else for you."

I am really not feeling these imagines anymore
I might take a break
Honestly I'm just kinda done

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