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Everything reminds you of her...

You smell something good; you think of her. You taste something delicious; you think of her. You hear a certain song; you think of her. You see someone beautiful; you think of her. You touch something soft; you think of her. Everything reminds you of her. Sometimes, the feeling of missing her is so intense that you feel like you're going to burst into tears.
Sometimes, you're out shopping and you suddenly zone out, visiting her in your mind. There, you can always be together. You can feel her soft lips against yours. You can smell her familiar scent. You can tell her how much you love her. You can tell her how much she means to you.
You can never escape thoughts of her. She's always there. She's within your mind, always breathing, always there. Your feelings for her are strong, insistent, and utterly irrevocable. Even when you're not consciously thinking of her, she's still within the recesses of your mind. She remains there, demanding to be felt.
The feeling of missing her is so overpowering that you have to see her. Thoughts of her swirl in your mind incessantly. You need to see her. It's not something you want. It's something that is necessary. You cannot do anything until you see her.
So you finally tell her.
"I need to see you," you say into the phone.
"I don't have a lot of time," she admits, and you chew your lip.
"Do you have an hour?" you reply, and she doesn't reply for a moment.
"Yeah. I have an hour."
"Then please, spend it with me." Your heart is beating rapidly in your chest.
"Yeah. Of course," she says, and you can hear her smiling. Your heart lifts.
"See you in a bit, then?" you question.
"I'll be waiting at the café near my house," she tells you.
"See you."
"See you."
You hang up, your heart beating giddily. You're short of breath—too excited to function. You can finally see her. Even just hearing her voice makes your heart lift. She has this effect on you that nobody else has. It's magical and beautiful. You should be scared—you've never felt this way before. Only you're just happy. Happy to exist on this same Earth with her. Happy to be close to her. Happy to know her.
You let out a content breath before rushing to get ready. You can't wait to see her.
Grabbing your bag and keys, you rush out of your apartment and head toward the café near her house. Everything is a blur. All you can think of is the fact that you're going to see her. You can't wait.
You arrive at the café, and you go inside. The smell of coffee hits your nose, and you breathe in deeply, trying to calm down.
"Hey!" You hear her familiar voice. She's sitting by herself in a booth. A huge smile is on her face, and she waves to you. Your heart skips a beat. She's right here in front of you.
"Hey," you say, trying to remain calm as you go over to her. She stands up to greet you. Her long dark hair falls in waves about her. She looks so beautiful. She's wearing a simple lavender jacket over her white t-shirt. Her legs are clad in black jeans, and she's wearing sneakers. Only she could look this beautiful in such simple clothes.
"It's great to see you," she says, opening her arms. Your breath nearly catches in your throat as you wrap your arms around her. Her body is warm against yours, and she smells so incredibly good. You breathe in deeply, feeling yourself relax. Yet you can still feel the jitters—in a good way.
"It's great to see you, too," you say, and you pull apart. She's smiling brightly. Her eyes shine in the light; you can't believe how beautiful she is.
"I got you a coffee," she says, and you finally notice the two cups of coffee on the table.
"Oh, thank you," you say, smiling at her. She returns your smile and sits down. You slip into the booth opposite from hers, and you wrap your hands around the coffee.
"So how are you?" she asks.
"Great. You?"
"Also great."
"I missed you," you admit, and she smiles slightly.
"I missed you, too."
The two of you spend more than an hour talking. You're so happy to see her that you don't even realize how much time has passed.
"Oh fuck, I need to get home," she says, letting out a small laugh.
"Oh wow, yeah, you're right," you reply, looking to your phone. It's been nearly two hours.
"We should do this again, though," she says, and you grin.
You both slip out of the booth. She meets your eyes and smiles.
"Next time, I'll buy you coffee."

And so you do. Eventually, you manage to tell her how you feel. Sometimes the world has a way of putting people into your life. You can't control your feelings for them, but you can decide whether or not to act on those feelings. And you couldn't be happier that you acted on those feelings for her—for if it weren't for your action, you wouldn't be married to her today.

I'm really emo
I think I'm lowkey falling for someone and I don't know how I feel about that
Like okay
we have history because I liked him for literally 2 years and then we didn't speak for 4 years but I always thought of him blah blah blah and I'm just
I'm in deep
help me lordy 

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