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You're at home...

You're lying in bed, trying not to reach for your phone. It's hard. She broke up with you. Two entire years of your life wasted with someone who didn't love you as much as you loved her.
You know she's not actually worth the pain you're feeling right now. Yet, you can't help yourself. You feel horrible. Your heart literally hurts; you feel as though you can't breathe.
You close your eyes. You hear your phone make a noise, but you resist the urge to check it. Instead, you force yourself to fall asleep.
That's when you meet her for the first time.
You can feel yourself crying in your sleep. You're half asleep and half awake.
You feel someone's hand on your shoulder. You open your eyes and sit up. But you see your body beneath you.
"What the fuck," you say, the question coming out like a statement.
"There you are," someone says, and you look beside you to see a gorgeous woman with long dark hair. Her eyes are lined with black, and she's wearing black clothing. There's a soft glow about her.
"What the fuck is happening?" you ask, looking down at yourself still sleeping. There are tears on your face, and you reach out to touch them. Your hands—the ones you can move—are glowing softly.
You look back toward the voice. The woman comes to you and extends her hand.
"Don't touch her. You'll return immediately," she says, and you look back to your sleeping form. You take the woman's hand instead.
You feel a spark when you touch, and you stand up.
"Who are you? What's happening to me?"
"I'm Demetria," she says. "You're having an out-of-body experience."
"Why is this happening?"
"Your heart is broken now, no?"
"I wouldn't put it so dramatically, but I suppose so," you respond, and she smiles slightly.
"Well, that's why this is happening," she tells you.
"What are you? Are you my guardian angel or something?"
"Then what are you?" you ask.
"A spirit. Your spirit," she replies.
"You're dead?"
"Am I dreaming?"
"Then what the fuck is happening?" you ask, looking back to your still-glowing hands.
"It's time," she says cryptically.
"Time for what?"
Something in the back of your mind yells "seXy TiME", but you try to ignore it.
"Time to meet your soulmate."
She ignores the question and instead just says, "I'm here to tell you this: forget her. Take the next step in your life." She pauses. "And go to the park at noon tomorrow."
"What? Why?"
"Just do it. Now go back to sleep," she says before suddenly touching your face. She presses her lips to yours gently, and your breath hitches. She then pushes you back, and you fall onto the bed and back into your body.
You awaken with a gasp. Your eyes shoot open, but you don't see Demetria anymore. You look around your room; she's not here.
You stand up, and suddenly, you can't remember why you stood up. You look toward your phone, which is lit up with a notification from her. You don't know what compels you to do so, but you pick up your phone and block her. You find yourself smiling.
You don't remember your dream. You just know that tomorrow, you're going to have lunch in the park. You don't know why; you're just going to.

Part twooooo

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