Arranged Part 4

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You're at Demi's house...

"This is so stupid."
"What?" you ask as you come into the living room. The two of you have been spending more time together, and it's been about a month since you reconnected. It's a bit strange how well you get along. You're definitely not complaining, though.
"We went out in public several times, and people still think we're just friends," she replies, handing you her phone. You look at the article, and sure enough, the headline screams "Demi Lovato and friend go out to lunch!"
"And I'm just "friend" as well," you respond, and she laughs slightly.
"Wasn't that your name?"
"Last time I checked, my name was Fred," you say sadly.
"Must have been a misspelling, then," she replies seriously. "It's so sad. Printing machines these days." She shakes her head.
"These website printing machines," you respond, handing her her phone back.
"Those darn web printers," she says, taking her phone and scrolling through it. "How about we post some nudes."
"I'm kidding. But we should post a picture together," she replies.
"Wearing clothes," you add.
"Obviously. We need to keep the nude scandal for later," she says, leaning back on the couch. You sit down beside her, and she puts an arm around you.
"You're so much better at taking photos," you say when she tries to hand you her phone.
"But you have longer arms," she replies.
"I don't take selfies," you tell her.
"You should. You have a good face," she responds but opens up the camera app anyway. She lifts the phone and snaps a picture of the two of you. "Looks good," she says, showing you the picture. You both look nice. Her more than you, you think. But that's expected.
She opens up Instagram and starts to write a caption.
"What should we say?"
"Well, maybe I should post a photo as well," you respond.
She looks to you, and you blink.
"What?" you question.
"What exactly are we doing?" she asks, and you shrug.
"Beats me."
"Are we like...actually dating? Like we're going on real dates, right?"
You look into her eyes and try to read her expression. You nod wordlessly, making her smile slightly.
"You're my girlfriend?" she asks, and you nod again.
"Yeah," you say, and you can see her brown eyes sparkling.
"Not just because of this whole arrangement, right?" she questions.
You let out a breath. "I mean, we started talking because of the arrangement," you say. "But I'd like to think we would have started dating even if it weren't for that."
"Probably. I mean, I like you and I like your face," she says, making you laugh slightly.
"Is that so?"
"Very much so." She lets out a breath and looks to her phone. "What should the caption be?"
"I'm so in lurve," you say sarcastically.
"I'll do it."
"I'll fucking do it," she says, making you laugh slightly.
"Please no. I'll leave you."
"How dare you," she gasps dramatically. "You can't do that. I'll kick you in the shin."
"You can't threaten me," you retort, and she sticks her tongue out at you.
"I'll threaten you as much as I please."
"I'd like to see you try."
"Oh you'll see," she responds. "I'll threaten you so much you won't be able" she trails off as she tries to think.
"So much I won't be able to think straight?" you reply, and she bursts into laughter.
"God damn, you beat me to it."
"You could never come up with something so great," you retort, taking her phone from her.
"What are you doing?" she demands, but you've already typed your caption. You don't press share, but you're tempted to. You hand her her phone back, and she looks at the screen. She laughs slightly when she sees what you'd written. "Perfect."
Can't think straight when I'm with her.

this one wrote itself and it was such a good feeling wow

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