Vivid (Numb Part 4)

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Three months later...

You're at home; Demi is away, scheduled to come home tomorrow. You lie back on the couch, watching some of your favorite movies.
That day still crosses your mind every now and again. You can't forget something like that easily. You and Demi are still together, but you're not married. You haven't asked her again for fear of the same sort of thing happening.
You still keep in touch with Lisa. You've actually become quite good friends with her.
You absently stare at the television screen as you think back to the moment you proposed to Demi. Her face is still clear in your mind. "I'm not ready."
You wonder when she will be ready. You try to focus on the television, but it's hard to pay attention to anything when you miss her so much.
She calls you everyday, but it's not the same. You can't hug and kiss her. You miss the feeling of her skin against yours; you miss how she smelled. You pull out your phone, wanting to call her. Right as you're about to dial her number, there's a knock at the door.
You put down your phone and get up, going over to the door.
You don't bother to look through the peep hole; you just open the door. Your heart nearly stops. It's her.
"Demi?" you ask in disbelief, looking down at her. She's on one knee, a ring presented in front of her. "You...I can't..." You can't form a comprehensible sentence.
"Will you marry me?" she asks, right to the point.
"You're really doing this? This isn't a joke?"
"Bitch, it's fucking 30 degrees out. I wouldn't be on one knee freezing my ass off for a joke," she says, making you laugh slightly.
"So not a joke, then," you say, your head still spinning. You can't believe this is really happening.
She shakes her head. "Will you marry me?" she repeats, looking up at you. Her brown eyes meet yours. You don't think she's ever looked this beautiful.
"Of course I will," you say, and she grabs your hand before pushing the ring onto your finger.
"So very gentle," you say wryly.
"Shut up. It's fucking cold as shit out here," she says, pushing her way into the house.
She slams the door behind her before looking to you.
She smiles. "Anyway, I love you."
You laugh slightly before throwing your arms around her. You can't believe you're now engaged to her; it's surreal.
"I love you more," you whisper as you breathe in her familiar scent. You feel butterflies in your stomach as you pull her closer.
"Impossible," she murmurs by your ear. You smile, and you feel like you're in each other's arms for years.
She finally pulls away before pressing her lips to yours. You melt into her body; you're practically one.
She smiles as she tangles her hands in your hair. She tastes sweet like she always does.
Everything is so vivid. But she's the most.

okay this time it's really over okay

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