Nerf War

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Idea from LovaticXHarmonizer !! Thanks, love xx

You're coming home...

You walk inside the house. Normally, Demi would have come running at you like a puppy who's happy to see you. But today, she's nowhere to be seen.
You go into the kitchen and see a fucking nerf gun. Oh fuck no.
There's a note.

I'm hiding somewhere. Here's a nerf gun. Loser makes diNNER! May the odds be ever in your favor.

Lower on the note is a small "teehee".
You resist the urge to laugh. And yes, she wrote "diNNER". Taking off your jacket, you grab the nerf gun and walk out of the kitchen.
Oh the lengths she'll go to to not make dinner.
You poke your head into the living room, and you don't see her. You move over to the bathroom. Again, no Demi.
You start going upstairs when you hear a sound. You look behind you. Nobody there.
You look over the railing and see Demi creeping out from the closet under the stairs. You decide to play along.
Not even bothering to be quiet, you run upstairs into your room. You dash into the closet and hide quite quietly.
You hear her come into the room. You bite your lip and point your gun toward the door.
You can see her slightly through the slits in the door. She's coming your way, but she stops to look under the bed.
This is your chance. You throw open the door before shooting your gun.
Or at least that's what you thought you did. Nothing comes out.
"Fuck!" you say as Demi straightens and looks toward you. She shoots toward you, but you dodge. You fire again, and a bullet flies.
She dodges and runs out of the room.
Before you can shoot her, she's gone.
"Fuck," you snap, running after her. You can't see her anywhere.
You start toward the bathroom but stop. There's a sofa in the computer room. She could hide behind there.
You go back toward the computer room and slowly open the door. It was ajar—she clearly came in here.
You enter slowly, and you scan the room. You can't see her, but you know she's in here.
Suddenly, you hear a sound beside you. You swivel in that direction, and you hear another sound.
You blindly dodge—barely missing the bullet that was flying toward you.
You shoot in the direction of the sofa, and you hear Demi curse.
"Did I get you?" you ask.
"No," she says, "I almost twisted my ankle."
"You okay?"
"I'm fine. Can you come over here, though? Help me up," she says, and you start toward the sofa.
And before she can shoot you, you shoot her in the stomach.
"Fuck!" she says, and you roll your eyes.
She lowers her gun and scowls.
"I know you too well," you respond, and she huffs.
"Mhmm," she says as she gets up. "I was going to get you to make dinner."
"We can make it together," you reply, and she grins.
"I'd like that."
"Give the winner a kiss," you tell her, and she makes a face. But she can't stop smiling.
She leans in and kisses you gently. You smile against her as she pulls you closer.
"I love you, loser," you say, making her giggle.
"I love you more."

I know I'm always saying this but I'm tired.

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