Only Seventeen Part 2

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You're at home...

You can't stop thinking about Demi. You keep reliving the moment that your lips met. She tasted so sweet—like pure perfection. You like her a lot. You want to talk with her constantly.
It's been only a couple of days, and you're already thinking about her all the time. Later today, you're going to see her. You're going to that Italian place, and you can't wait.
You've come home from school, and you're ready to go. Well, you're ready mentally. You still need to pick out what to wear.
She's going to come pick you up in an hour, while you're still here throwing various things out of your closet in an attempt to find something you want to wear. You can't decide at all.
Looking deeper in your closet, you find a black dress that you'd only worn once. You feel like it would be nice. You pull it out of the back and look at it. It's not just nice—it's perfect. You pull off your clothes and slip into the dress. You absolutely love it.
You sit down at your dresser and fix your hair and makeup. Right as you're finishing, your phone rings. You look to it—it's her.
Your heart skips a beat as you answer.
"I'm right outside," she says, and you can hear her smiling.
"I'll be out in a moment," you say.
"Can't wait," she replies.
"Me neither," you tell her.
She hangs up, and you let out a breath. Checking your reflection one final time, you stuff your phone in your bag and leave your room. Your parents are out for the night, but you let them know you were going on a date.
Closing your bedroom door, you walk down the stairs and grab your coat. You slip it on as you step out of the house and lock the door. Demi is outside in her sleek black car.
Your heart is doing jumping jacks as you go toward her. You see her step out, a grin on her face. She's wearing a black shirt and black skinny jeans paired with a long yellow-patterned coat. Her black hair is left down, and she has large hoop earrings in her ears.
"You look incredible," she says as she opens the passenger-side door for you.
"Thank you," you say, your cheeks flushing slightly. "So do you."
"Where did you get that dress?" she asks as you sit in the seat. The car smells nice. It smells like a new car but also fresh and floral.
"I'm going to close the door," she says before closing the door and slipping into the driver's seat.
"I'm not sure where I got it," you respond, pulling on your seatbelt.
"Well, it suits you," she says, and you feel your cheeks warm some more.
"Thank you," you tell her, brushing your hair behind your ear.
She puts on her seatbelt and looks to you. Your eyes meet, and you just find yourself thinking about how beautiful she is.
"Alright, it's about twenty minutes from here," she tells you, starting the car. Some music starts playing, and you immediately notice that it's OneRepublic.
"Perfect," you say, and she pulls out onto the street.
You start talking about your day and just anything and everything. You never have to make an effort with her. It's so easy to talk, and you don't feel any pressure. It's amazing. You can relax with her, even though you like her and feel nervous. It's interesting.
You arrive at the restaurant and go inside together. It's a gorgeous place, and you immediately like the atmosphere. You order some pizza and pasta to split, and you drink some of their special sparkling apple cider.
It's incredible—the food is amazing; she's amazing. You're so happy.
When you finish your meal, you walk outside together. The sun is just setting, and it's absolutely gorgeous. The world is illuminated with an orange glow. You'll forever associate these warm colors with her, and you're not complaining.
You sit on a bench, looking toward the sunset with your bodies so close that you can feel her warmth through your coat.
"The sunset is beautiful, but I think your mind is more beautiful," Demi says softly. She didn't compliment your appearance but chose to compliment your mind, and that makes your heart skip a beat.
"I like the way your brain works," you reply, and she smiles as she meets your eyes.
"And you have a good taste in music," she responds, somehow noticing that you were referencing "Turn" by The Wombats.
"I did not think you'd notice that," you laugh, leaning into her.
She chuckles lightly, and you feel your stomach do a flip. You love the way she laughs. It's pure music to your ears.
"I've never actually met someone I could say that to, though," you add. "I genuinely like your mind and the way it works."
"That's probably the best compliment that anyone has ever given me," she replies, leaning in slightly.
You can already imagine her lips on yours.
"Can I kiss you?" she whispers, and you feel yourself smile without even thinking.
"Yes," you reply, your voice soft. She leans in, and your lips meet. You move a hand to her hair, feeling her soft dark locks under your fingertips. She leans into you further, and she puts a hand on your face. Her skin is warm, and you smile against her lips.
"I really like you," she says softly, pulling away but letting her lips brush yours.
"I really like you, too," you reply, your heart beating rapidly.
"I want this to be our spot."
A warm cloud forms in your chest at the thought.
"I would love that," you whisper, kissing her again.
She smiles against you and pulls you even closer.
You've only known her for a week, but you already feel such a strong connection.
"Tell me I can see you again," she breathes as she pulls away.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."


this isn't really getting into the whole age difference thing but I still kinda like it
I'll probably continue it
it's kinda uneventful but like...feelings are important
and my feelings have been a fucking mess recently
I'm getting things under control again
I think

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