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You're at home dying your hair...

"Stop that."
"I'm helping."
"I am helping you," she says, and you roll your eyes.
"You're getting the dye all over the place," you complain as she grabs some more of the hair dye and smears it in your hair.
"I'm getting the back for you," she says.
"You're just making a mess," you respond as she starts putting some of the dye in her own hair. "Oh for fuck's sake."
"What? We can be matching," she says, laughing a bit.
"I'm going to run out."
"No you're not."
"Demi!" you laugh as she puts more in her hair.
You continue applying the hair dye as she continues stealing some.
"I'm the one who bought it for you. I should be allowed to use some."
"You gave it to me as a present," you point out, and she rolls her eyes.
"Technicalities don't matter."
You laugh and shake your head, going back to your hair.
After a while, you finish applying all the dye, and you wrap up your hair. Demi puts some aluminum foil around her strand of dyed hair.
"So, we now just wait, right?" she asks, going over to the sink to wash her hands.
"What do you want to do?" she asks, and you peel off your gloves before starting to clean up.
"I don't know," you respond, throwing away your trash.
"Let's watch a movie."
So you do. And then, after three hours, you wash out the dye and dry off your hair.
"It looks so good," Demi says, running her fingers through your now lilac locks.
"It does," you agree, taking her dyed strand of hair between your fingers and twisting it.
She smiles before leaning in and pressing her lips to yours. You pull her closer, tangling your hands in her hair.
Sometimes you can just spend time together, doing random shit, and it's fun. She makes everything interesting.
"I love you," you breathe, and she smiles against you. You feel butterflies in your stomach as she pulls you closer.
"I love you more," she responds softly, her lips turning up into a smile.
"That's not possible."

kinda boring but I'm tired and I'm sitting here with my hair wrapped up (I look like an egg bYe) bc I'm dying it pURPLE

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