ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ 11.0

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I am in a good mood but also kinda out of it because of my allergies so obviously it's time for ʀɴʜ ʀɴʜ 11.0.
Also Awsten Knight from Waterparks (aka Felony Steve) makes an appearance because I'm in love with him.

You're at home with your girlfriend...

"Do you think we need more chips?" she asks from the potato chip mountain.
"Absolutely," you reply. She ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ-es in response.
"I think we need a lot more," she says, whipping out her magic potato chip bag bag. Suddenly, Ketnipz enters the room.
"Take break eat cake," he says, ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ-ing on a piece of hard cake.
"Bitch, does it look like I want to eat carrots with you?" Awsten yells as he runs into the room.
"Who the fuck are you?" you shriek, and he throws money at you.
"I'm Felony Steve, and I invented showers," he says as Fredrico Breeko, the dick glasses man, enters the room.
"Who's this? I thought I was the weird guy in the group."
"Mom!" Felony Steve yells loudly, jumping up and down.
"What?" someone yells back.
"Mom!" he yells again.
"What?" the same person yells.
"What the fuck is happening?" Demi asks, and Felony Steve throws some money at her.
"You have any orange juice around here?" he asks, coming over to the potato chip mountain. He crams one in his mouth. ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ.
"There's some in the kitchen," Ketnipz informs him.
"What are you?" Felony Steve asks him, and Ketnipz throws some cake at him. He ducks, and the cake hits the dick glasses man, Fredrico Breeko.
"How dare you!" he yells, throwing some cake back toward Ketnipz. This now hits Felony Steve in the back of the head.
"My head! Nobody likes an inconsistent head!" he screams before dabbing.
Demi dabs dubiously, dunking a Dunkin Donut in the potato chip mountain. ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ. ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ.
She throws the potato chips in the air and screams, "It's sexy time!"
Felony Steve has stolen all the orange juice from the fridge, and he's chugging it furiously in the corner of the room.
"Chug! Chug! Chugga lug!" Fredrico Breeko screams, the dick on his glasses bouncing up and down as he jumps.
Ketnipz sits down across from them and eats his cake calmly. ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ.
You look to Demi, who looks upset.
"What's wrong? You can't be pupset because you're not a puppy and upset," you say, and two dogs come into the room.
"We're pupset because we're puppies and upset," the two say as they walk.
"What the fuck is happening?" you ask, looking to Demi.
"There are too many characters in this store. I mean story," I say, entering the store—I mean story. I have typos in real life.
I grab Fredrico Breeko and throw him across the country.
"Fredrico Breeko noises!" he screams as he flies.
I grab Felony Steve, but he tries to fight.
"Awsten, no!" I yell. "I'm going to get Geoff! He's going to be disappointed in you!"
He stops fighting and just huffs.
"I don't want to eat carrots with you, bitch," he says, but I've already put him back in Houston.
I exit the story, leaving you with Demi, the potato chip mountain, the two dogs, and Ketnipz.
"This is much better," you say, sitting down in some of the potato chips. ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ.
Demi sits down, too. ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ.
Ketnipz waddles out of the room, and the dogs follow him.
"We're alone," you comment, leaning into Demi's side.
"I know. We are of the alone time now," she replies.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" you ask.
"Gender traffic?" she asks, stuffing 98 chips in her mouth. ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ.
"Beep beep, bitch," you concur.
So you have gender traffic all day and ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ ᴄʀᴏɴᴄʜ the night away.

This was so random lmao

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