Only Seventeen

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Requested by tini_stoessel_lver xx

You're in a bar...

You're surprised that nobody has asked for your ID. You'd prepared your fake one, and you honestly want a chance to use it. Sure, you'd only fudged the date a few years, but you're still technically seventeen, so you certainly shouldn't be able to drink.
You're sitting at a table alone, sipping your beer. It's actually terribly boring. There aren't a lot of people in the bar.
You sigh and sip your drink, wondering what to do after this. It's not that great to just sit around waiting for something exciting to happen. You're just about to get up and leave when someone enters the bar.
She's the most beautiful person you've ever seen in your entire life.
"Oh my god," you whisper, unable to stop the words from leaving your lips.
The woman looks toward you, and your heart nearly stops. She's absolutely gorgeous. She's wearing a black dress with a deep 'v' down her chest, showing off her breasts.
Her long dark hair falls in perfect waves, and you swear her red lips turn up into a small smirk when your eyes meet her brown ones.
She goes up to the bar and orders something. You can't stop staring at her. It's like she's the only person in the world. Her curves are absolutely stunning. She's honestly so beautiful. You can't believe she's real.
You watch as she gets her drink. She turns and looks around the bar, starting from the side opposite to you. She then looks toward you, and a smile forms on her face.
She starts toward you, and your heart nearly beats out of your chest. You're so nervous. You've never spoken to anyone this gorgeous, and you feel as though you might combust at any moment.
"Hey," she says, and your stomach does a flip.
"Hi," you reply, trying to smile in a way that you hope is natural.
"May I?" she asks, touching the seat beside yours.
"Be my guest," you say, and she sits down. You can smell her perfume as she pulls in her chair, making her hair bounce.
"I'm Demetria," she tells you. "You can call me Demi."
"I'm y/n," you tell her. "Nice to meet you," you say, extending your hand to her. She shakes your hand, and you notice how warm her hand is. Her nails are painted black, matching her dress. You can see various tattoos on her skin.
"Nice to meet you, too," she says, putting her hand on her drink and taking a sip. "What are you doing here?"
"Nothing much, honestly," you reply truthfully, making her raise an eyebrow.
"No boyfriend...or girlfriend?"
"Nope," you reply, and you can feel your cheeks flush slightly.
"A beautiful girl like you? I can't believe it," she says, and you nearly choke on air.
"Thank you," you say, your voice almost cracking.
"It's true," she says, her eyes sparkling in the light.
You continue talking, and you really like her. She's absolutely amazing, and you want to get to know her more.
You spend the night in the bar, and once you finally leave, you leave together.
"Do you want to come back to my place?" she asks. Though you'd spent hours at the bar, neither of you drank a lot.
"I..." You stop. You don't know if she knows how old you are.
"If you don't want to, it's fine," she says quickly, but you panic.
"No no! I would love to!" you tell her, and she smiles. "It's just, um, I'm seventeen?"
"You're seventeen?" she repeats.
You nod, feeling like you've done something bad.
"Oh, well," she says, clearing her throat. "I think...I think I want to see you again. Just a date. How's that sound?"
You're surprised. You didn't expect her to ask you out.
"A date?" you ask slowly, and she nods.
"If you'd like," she says, smiling a bit.
"I would love that," you answer truthfully, your heart beating faster at the thought.
"Let me walk you home," she says, and you nod. To your surprise, she takes your hand in hers, making your heart skip a beat.
You bite your lip, trying to stop yourself from smiling. You fail.
"I really like you," Demi says almost absently, and you glance to her. Your eyes meet.
"I really like you, too," you respond.
"I'd be really upset if I let someone like you go without a few more dates, at least," she says, making you laugh.
"Good thing I like you a lot, too," you respond, making her smile.
After a while, you arrive home, and she gives you her number.
"Call me," she says. "There's this amazing Italian place near my house, and I think you'd like it."
"That sounds amazing," you reply.
You're standing by the mailbox, and she looks toward your house. Some of the lights are on.
"Can I...can I kiss you?" she asks softly, and your heart nearly stops.
"Yes," you respond, and she leans in, gently pressing her lips to yours. You feel a rush, and she moves her hands to your hips. She tastes sweet, and you want more. Only she pulls away and looks into your eyes.
"Yeah, I want to see you again," she says, smiling brightly. Her eyes sparkle with life; you've never seen anything more beautiful.
You feel really happy as you respond, "I feel the same way."

obviously I'll continue this but I literally can't finish it right now because I'm having trouble writing recently ugh

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