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You're just getting out of bed...

From the moment you get up, you know it's one of those days. You feel like complete shit.
You make yourself get out of bed, and you run your hands through your unruly hair. Letting out a sigh, you look beside you to see Demi already out of bed and gone.
Going into the bathroom, you take a shower in an attempt to clear your mind.
A few minutes later, you finish up and change. Going downstairs, you see Demi in the kitchen, making pancakes.
"Hey," you greet her, and she smiles.
"Morning, baby," she replies as she flips a pancake. "How you doing?"
"I feel like shit," you reply, and she sighs.
"Sit down and drink your coffee," she tells you, and you sit at the table.
Putting your hands around the mug, you take a sip of the coffee. For some reason, it tastes horrible.
You don't even know why, but you burst into tears.
"Whoa, what the fuck? Are you okay?" she asks, looking to you.
"The coffee tastes weird," you cry, and she laughs.
"Did you brush your teeth again?" she asks, and you stop to think.
You don't remember doing it, but you're sometimes so out of it that you start brushing your teeth even when you don't mean to.
"I don't know," you say, starting to cry harder.
"Calm down," she says, finishing off the pancakes and coming over to the table. She puts a plate in front of you. "Get something in your stomach."
"But the coffee!"
"Forget the fucking coffee. I'll make more," she tells you, and you rub your eyes.
You feel so emotional that everything makes you want to cry.
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault," she replies, getting some maple syrup out of the fridge and putting it in front of you. "Right, you want peanut butter." She goes back over to the fridge. "Oh shit," she mutters. "Honey, we're out of peanut butter."
Of course, now it's time for you to cry again.
"I wanted peanut butter," you whine, and Demi comes over to you.
"Okay okay shut up," she laughs, wrapping her arms around you and patting your back. "You probably just need to cry a bit. Get it out of your system."
"I'm sorry I'm being such a pain," you sniffle, trying to stop crying. Your tears are spilling all over Demi's shirt, but she doesn't seem to mind.
"You're not. It's okay," she chuckles.
After a bit, you calm down, and your tears stop.
"Feel better?" she asks, pulling away to look at your face.
"Yeah," you admit, smiling slightly.
"Tell you what," she says. "I'm going to wrap up these pancakes, and we can go eat out. Sound okay?"
"Sounds great," you reply, feeling grateful to have someone who's so sweet to you, even when you're an emotional mess.
She smiles and presses her lips to yours. She moves her hand to your face, brushing your hair back. She suddenly giggles.
"You idiot. You did brush your teeth."

half stupid half angsty
but honestly
this is me as fuck okay
And now, a message from my awesome almondtits (I love her so much okay)

it's me demisbitch
I love my sugartits
she's fucking great

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