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I've always wanted to write something like this. It's a little different, but I hope it'll be okay yeet.

Demi's P.O.V.

I turn toward the voice. From where I'm sitting in the booth, I have to look up—a lot. A tall guy wearing a beanie is looking at me, his blue eyes piercing.
"Hey," I reply, feeling a bit intimidated. He has this beauty that I've never seen in a person before. His face is feminine and soft, but his jawline is sharp. The contrast in his face is pure beauty.
"May I sit with you?" he asks, and I nod. He slips into the other side of the booth, his coffee cup in hand. "What's your name?" he asks. His voice is slightly on the higher side, but silky nonetheless.
"Demetria," I reply. "You can call me Demi."
"Nice to meet you, Demi," he replies, a smile playing on his full lips. "I'm Quinn." He brushes his blonde bangs out of his eyes.
"Quinn," I say, liking the way his name rolls off my tongue. "That's a beautiful name," I add. It suits him. He looks like a Quinn.
"Thank you. You're one to talk with a name like Demetria," he replies, smiling slightly. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."
I feel my cheeks flush. I brush my hair behind my ear and meet his blue eyes once more.
"What brings you here?" he asks. "I haven't seen you here before."
"I don't know," I admit. "I live nearby. I pass this place nearly every day." I look down at my coffee. "I never really thought about coming inside. I don't know."
"Maybe it's just how some things that are familiar don't seem intriguing," he replies, his blue eyes seeming to stare through me.
I'm tempted to say, "You're pretty intriguing. I'm sure we could get really familiar, and I'd still be intrigued." Only I don't. I just reply with a lame, "Maybe."
"I have a feeling you'll always be intriguing, though," he says, leaning forward on his elbows slightly. My heart starts to beat faster.
"Really?" I ask, my voice quiet.
"Really." He smirks like he knows something I don't. For some reason, I don't even mind.


The next day, I go to the same café in hopes of seeing Quinn. Only he's not here. I sit in the same booth, feeling a bit disappointed.
I look down at my coffee. That's when I hear a familiar voice.
My head snaps up so fast I feel like I might get whiplash. I could have sworn it was Quinn. Only it's a gorgeous woman. Her long blonde hair frames her face. Her eyes are blue like Quinn's. They look quite similar.
"Hey," I say, feeling nervous. What if this is Quinn's sister? What if she's his twin? Quinn's twin? Quinn has a twin? A twin Quinn?
"Can I sit here?" she asks, smiling slightly.
"Of course," I reply. "I'm Demi."
"Demi," she says, sitting down across from me and smiling. She meets my eyes. She emits this warm aura that contrasts with her icy blue eyes. It's beautiful, really. "I'm Hunter."
"Hunter," I repeat. "That's a nice name."
"Thanks. I love your name."
This is giving me major déjà vu.
"Thank you," I say, smiling to her. She returns the smile, making butterflies erupt in my stomach.
We talk for hours, and I enjoy every second.
Only when I return to my house do I realize that I feel the same way for Quinn and Hunter.
Well this isn't a time to yeet. Fuck.


I talk to Quinn. I talk to Hunter. I'm not dating either of them, but I still feel like I need to choose between them.
Only I can't. They're both simply perfect. They're almost inhuman. It's almost as if they're the same person—I can't choose between them.
One day, I'm at the café with Quinn when I work up the nerve to ask him: "Do you have a sister?"
"A sister?" he repeats, smiling slightly.
"I do, actually."
"Oh," I say, feeling relieved. It's just his sister. "I've met her."
"Have you?" he questions, his expression playful.
"Yeah, I have. Hunter, right?"
"No," he says, and I blink.
"Do you know a Hunter?"
"You could say that," he responds.
"What does that mean?"
"Exactly what it sounds like: you could say I know a Hunter." His expression is amused. He's making that face like he knows something I don't, and I know he does this time. He knows who Hunter is, but she's not his sister.
"Who is she?"
"The better question is, who is she to you?" he asks.
I feel flustered. I like them both—a lot. Only I don't really know how I can tell him that.
"I...I met her the day after I met you." I let out a breath. The way he's talking. Everything about the two of them. They have to be the same person. There's no other explanation. "I like her. And you. I like you both."
He raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow. "Do you?" He's not mad, so that's good.
"Yeah.'re Hunter, aren't you?"
He smiles slightly. He reaches up, touching his beanie. And then he pulls it off. Long blonde hair cascades down his shoulders, and suddenly—it's Hunter sitting in front of me.
"Hunter," I breathe. It's incredible. Hunter always had on makeup, so she doesn't look exactly the same as she always does, but there's no mistaking it. This is her.
"I'm Quinn...and Hunter."
"So you're gender fluid?" I ask slowly.
"Yeah, I am. I'm biologically female, but I'm gender fluid."
"What pronouns should I use?" I immediately ask.
"Anything. I don't care," she laughs.
"So I was all confused while you were talking to me the entire time?" I ask, unable to stop grinning. The situation is so absurd—I can't believe I didn't realize sooner. Only I suppose it just hadn't really occurred to me that Quinn and Hunter could be one and the same.
"Yeah. I'm sorry about kinda tricking you," she says, smiling sheepishly. "It's just...I really liked you, but sometimes, people aren't okay with me being...different, you know?"
I smile. "I get it. It's fine. If anything, I'm really relieved," I laugh. "I thought I was going to have to choose between Quinn and Hunter. Now I don't have to."
She grins. "You saying you want me?"
My cheeks flush, but I smirk, "Yeah I do."

And I'm lucky enough to have her. Sometimes she's Hunter, other times Quinn. No matter who she is, my feelings are always the same: I love her. And she loves me. I couldn't ask for anything more.

this is like
but I wanted to write a quick thing that kinda touched on gender fluidness because I think that's something truly beautiful and unique
I obviously don't know the ins and outs of it, so this was only a surface-portrayal
I hope it was okay


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