All Alone

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Requested by vashappeninzquad xx
I changed it up a little bit, but the premise is the same!!

For perhaps the first time, we're not going to be gay!
Half of you have probably left by now
That's okay
I understand. I love the gay as well.

Demetria is walking home alone at night...

Demi's P.O.V.

He has to work. He can't pick me up. I absolutely despise walking home at this ungodly hour. It doesn't help that I have to go past this sketchy area of the city.
I would take a cab, but it's hard to get one at this time. The buses aren't running either. It's just wonderful.
I let out a breath and clutch my phone in my hand. I don't like the feeling of walking alone at night. It isn't like anything has actually happened to me, but at the same time, I can't help it.
It's creepy at night, especially in this area. I keep looking around me, as if someone is going to jump out from the shadows.
I daren't listen to music because I'm scared someone will sneak up on me. I'm dramatic, I know.
As I shake my head at my own ridiculousness, I actually hear a noise. My head snaps back toward the sound.
I see a guy. At least it looks like a guy. It's hard to tell. I walk a little faster and clutch my phone tighter in my hand. The wind cuts into my skin like knives, and I have the horrible feeling that something bad is going to happen.
That's when I hear a voice.
"Hey pretty lady."
Oh fuck.
A different voice: "You out here all alone?"
I look down at my phone and make a split second decision. I text him: I think I'm in trouble. I need you.
Right as I hit send, someone knocks my phone out of my hand. I scream as it clatters to the ground. The person steps on it, and the sharp cracking sound fills my ears. The screen flashes erratically. I just pray he can still track the GPS in it.
I know I need to run, but I'm too terrified.
"What are you doing here all alone?" the person asks. It's a guy, but I can't see his face well due to the hood he's wearing.
"Fuck off," I say. I sound braver than I feel.
"Well well well. Who do we have here?" Another person walks up behind me.
I don't know what to do. I could try to fight. My heart beats rapidly in my chest. I feel as though I can't breathe.
I just trust my gut instinct. I don't know if it knows what it's doing, but I go with it.
I try to punch the guy. Well, I do manage to punch him. I can hear the bone crack in his nose.
"Fuck!" he shrieks loudly, his hand flying to his nose. "You bitch!"
I feel the guy behind me grab me.
I suck in a breath before screaming as loud as I can. The guy covers my mouth, and I slam my heel down on his foot. He yelps, and his grip on me loosens. I do what I think literally everyone should do if someone covers their mouth: I bite down. He screams so loud that my ears hurt.
I throw his arms off me, and the other guy tries to grab me. I duck before blindly kicking. I hit something, and he groans.
"Fuck yo—" he starts, and I slam my fist into him again. He sputters and falls back.
"Just use your knife, you idiot!" the other guy hisses, and I feel my blood run cold. I feel myself freeze. The worst timing possible.
The guy behind me grabs me, locking me in place. I scream, but the noise is cut short when I see the man in front of me flick open a knife. The blade glints in the light.
My breathing becomes ragged as I feel myself panic. My gut isn't telling me to move anymore. Rather, it's telling me to stay the fuck still and listen to them.
"You have put up quite a fight," the guy says. I can still see the blood on his face.
"But no more, little girl," the man holding me says. I can hear him smiling. It's disgusting.
"What do you want from me?" I ask, my voice softer than I wanted it to be.
"You don't get to ask questions."
Well fuck.

Part two coming tomorrow!

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