Only Seventeen Part 9

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You're at your bench with Demi...

"What are you thinking about?" she asks, and you smile slightly.
"I'm just thinking about how happy I am." You look at her and meet her brown eyes.
"You're so beautiful when you're thinking. Your expression is different," she says, making your cheeks warm.
"How so?" you question, and she smiles.
"You look...focused. But you also look relaxed. I like it," she says, and you laugh slightly.
"I was literally just...feeling the happiness," you admit, and she leans into your side. You put your arm around her, pulling her closer. She lets out a content sigh.
"I love you," she says, and you put a hand on her head. You stroke her hair gently, just like she did that day on this very bench. You feel a warm cloud in your chest. You would live within this moment if you could.
"I love you," you respond, kissing her head gently. She smells sweet like candy; you love it so much.
It's as if everything somehow worked out. You started out seventeen and twenty-five: a bit of a problem—not illegal, per se, but slightly unconventional. Your parents forbade you from seeing her, but that couldn't keep the two of you apart. You fell in love, and you turned eighteen. Your parents accepted your relationship, and now you're here. Six months going strong.
"I'm still in love with your mind," you say, and she pulls away to look at you.
You brush her hair behind her ear, and she smiles. She's wearing the same floral dress that she'd worn when she came to dinner with your parents on your birthday. You love that dress on her.
You gently place your hand on her face, feeling her soft skin.
"I love the way your brain works," she says, making your heart skip a beat. You've been with her for a while now, but you still get so giddy. It's incredible. You're comfortable, but you still get the butterflies in your stomach.
You lean in, and your lips meet. Your heart is beating rapidly, and you slip your hand to her hair, pulling her closer. She moves a hand to your face before sliding it behind your neck. Her touch sends a shiver down your spine.
She tastes sweet like she always does. Everything is Demi, and you absolutely love it. She smiles against your lips.
"Do you want to hear something?" she mumbles, and you pull away slightly.
"What?" you ask, and she laughs a bit.
"That day we met," she starts, and you smile at the memory. "I was actually supposed to go on a blind date."
You raise an eyebrow. "Really?" you ask, and she nods.
"She cancelled, and that's when I went to the bar."
You don't really know how to respond. She wasn't supposed to be there that night—neither were you. Your meeting was so by chance—it's insane.
"You know what I did after that night?" she asks, and you shake your head. "I messaged the girl and thanked her. If she hadn't cancelled, I wouldn't have met you. Strangely enough, she responded that she had met someone a few days after as well. Turns out we both did each other a favor," she says.
"That's...interesting. I wasn't supposed to have been in that bar. I just figured I wanted to go out, and so I just randomly went to that bar."
"Well, I'm glad you did," she says, smiling as she looks into your eyes.
"Me, too," you reply, unable to stop the smile forming on your face. You feel so happy in this moment. You don't know how you got so lucky.
"I love you," she says. You'll never get tired of hearing her say those three words.
"I love you more," you reply, leaning in to kiss her once more.
She smiles against your lips as she replies, "Impossible."

I'm gonna take all this and revise it then republish as a single story ahhh

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