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Okay! So honestly I've been kinda distracted by one of my stories (that doesn't pertain to anything Demi-related or gay, for that matter) and haven't been working on other things nor had the time to write any imagines. This is adapted from some weird ass story that I'd started but never finished whoops

You're living in a world of no surprises...

Every day is the same. The same people, the same scenes, the same work. Like a broken record on repeat, every day passes with no surprises. You know the pattern of your life, and you're comfortable with it. You all are.
Living in a world where your paths are set clearly is the easiest thing one can do. You can remember only the most important things—all the unnecessary things are discarded. You don't even remember your life a year ago.
Nothing is left to chance. You know that in twenty-five days, you will meet your soulmate. You know that after two years, you will get married. Your life is planned out accordingly by the leaders. You have no worries. Everything happens for a reason.
You walk down the regular path to your work. You work in a large company and handle customer service. It's perfect for you—but that's true with everyone and everyone's jobs. You know exactly what will happen today. you'll first greet the man at the coffee stand.
"Morning, John!" you say, and he gives you a wave. Today, you don't get coffee from the stand. That's what you have to do tomorrow.
You know your schedule perfectly because of the chip implanted in your neck. You all have one. You aren't robots—you just have a small one inside of you.
You have free will—you just know exactly what you have to do every day at every moment in time.
You arrive at work and greet everyone accordingly. The building is huge—there are twenty floors. The huge automatic glass doors open for you, and you walk across the grey granite floor to clock in. The machine scans your ID and lets you pass.
"Morning, Beth!" you call as you see one of your acquaintances.
"Hey," she replies, giving you a smile. Her long blonde hair falls in perfect curls as it does every day.
You walk up to the elevator together and press the button. You wait. You're not supposed to have any small talk today.
The elevator arrives, and you step inside. Your day passes with no surprises—of course. Everything is in order, and you're content with your life.
As the day comes to a close, you head home. Today, you're going to eat at home. You know exactly what you're supposed to make: curry.
You're gathering the ingredients when you hear a noise. You look up. Nobody is supposed to come over today. You frown and look to your phone. Nothing.
"Hello?" you ask. It has to be the wind. There's absolutely no way that anybody is here in your house right now. You would know if you were supposed to get robbed.
Only a woman you've never seen before walks in.
"Who the fuck are you?" you blurt out, and she looks to you. She's wearing dark clothing; her hair is dark like a raven's plumage, and her eyes are lined with black.
"I'm Demetria." She steps forward, moving closer to you.
"Who are you? Why are you here?" Your mind is spinning. You can't handle this stress. You've never had a surprise like this.
"Just come with me."
"That's not a part of the plan," you respond, stepping back. You don't know how to defend yourself. You don't know what's happening.
She moves forward, and you let out a small yelp. You scramble backwards and trip. You feel a sharp pain as your head slams into something.
Everything goes black.


When you wake up, you can feel pain in your neck. Your head is spinning. There's so much information. So much is missing, and so much is new. You're confused and overwhelmed.
You groan and open your eyes. Everything is too bright. You can smell something floral.
"You're awake."
You look toward the voice. It's Demetria. Only she's not a stranger. Things come rushing back to you.

"I love you," you whisper against her lips.
"I love you," she replies, her hands caressing your skin.

Another memory.

"I'll miss you," she says, smiling as she pecks you on the lips.
"I'll miss you more," you respond, smiling against her soft lips.

And a shock.

"Demi!" you scream as you're dragged into the van. You can see her panicked expression as she tries to save you.
She doesn't make it.

You're brought back to the present.
"Demi," you say, looking at her in awe. You're so confused, but you also understand something: that world wasn't real.
"Do you remember?" she asks, and that's when you touch your neck. You feel a bandage where your chip should have been.
"Yeah," you finally say. "I do remember."
"You were in that fake world for years," she says. "I never gave up on finding you."
You look at her. The feeling in your heart tells you that you love her. You love her a lot. You're overcome with emotions. You hadn't felt anything in so long.
"I love you," you say, and she smiles, her eyes brimming with tears.
"I love you," she replies, moving closer to you and touching your face. Her skin is warm against yours. You close your eyes as she leans in.
Her lips meet yours, and you feel butterflies in your stomach.
Somehow she found you. Somehow you made it back to the soulmate that they'd forced you to forget.

It took time, but eventually, you regained all of your past memories—and your real life. The fake world was eventually destroyed once your story got out into the world.
So many things still remain a mystery, but honestly, you have Demi. She's all you really need.

I don't know when the next update will be, so I apologize in advance.
I'm loving the story I'm currently writing, so I'm really focusing on that.

Demi Imagines 2.0Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora