Blind Date x 2

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Okay so this ties in to an imagine I did for my Shane book—the chapter is called "Blind Date", and the final chapter will be up over there (called "Blind Date Part 2")
But I'll include enough information here so you can understand what's happening!


You've had a wild day. Your best friend Ryland invited you to be in his boyfriend's video. Garrett, another friend of yours, hit a million subscribers, so Shane dressed up like Harry Potter and got cake—just the usual. Shane's secret cameraman was revealed to be Garrett's friend Andrew. Little does Andrew know, Shane arranged for him to meet his dream girl: Megan Batoon. Only someone else shows up, too.

You're preparing for Andrew's blind date when someone knocks on the door...

Ryland goes to open the door, and you watch from where you're sitting on the couch. You hear Ryland talking, but the other person says nothing.
That's when Demi Fucking Lovato walks into the room. And that also happens to be when you lose your shit.
"Oh my god. Oh my god oh my god," you say in quick succession, standing up and running toward the back of the room. Demi grins brightly at you. She looks gorgeous. She's wearing black pants and a crop top that shows a little bit of her breasts from the bottom. You're basically dead.
You grab the corner of the wall and look toward her.
"You okay?" she laughs, making your heart beat even faster.
"Did you do this?" you ask Shane, who's just staring at Demi.
"I swear to god, Shane, if you say your bisexuality is shook I will—" you start, but you can't finish because his yell of "BISEXUALITY SHOOK" is a little too loud.
"Shane!" Ryland yells, making Demi burst into laughter.
"Is someone going to give me a hug or not?" Demi asks, and you finally move out from behind the wall.
But before you can hug her, Shane gets up.
"Bitch, you're not hugging her before me," you say before swiftly moving over to Demi and hugging her. Your other fears were all thrown aside by the one fear of Shane stealing her away—which is utterly ridiculous, but you're not able to think properly now anyway.
She smells so good, and you feel giddy.
"Nice to meet you," she says, smiling as you pull away. She's so beautiful.
"Nice to meet you, too," you reply, feeling as though you might cry. "I'm sorry I'm acting all crazy," you laugh.
"At least you didn't scream that your bisexuality was shook," she replies.
"Hey!" Shane yells.
"Just be quiet," Ryland tells him.
"You should know by now that that's impossible," Shane responds, making Demi laugh slightly.
"So I'm hearing that Megan is here, too?" she asks, and Ryland stands up.
"She's upstairs with Garrett," he replies. "She'll come down once Andrew is here."
"Garrett's here, too?" she asks, her face lighting up.
"Wait wait wait. Has she already met literally everyone but me?" you question.
"No, I just spoke with Garrett, Shane, and Ryland on Skype to arrange to come here," she responds.
"Oh my god," you say, unable to process all that's happening.
"You're prettier than your picture, by the way," Demi says, making your heart beat erratically.
"She looks bad in pictures," Shane says, and Ryland promptly smacks his face lightly. "Hey!" he whines before lightly slapping Ryland back.
"Shane!" he says in that voice he always uses.
"As much as I'd like to rewatch the drunk boyfriend tag live, can you two cut it out?" you ask, making Demi laugh slightly.
"I'm not drunk," Shane informs you.
"I'm aware. You just act drunk," you tell him, and he makes a face before doing a tongue pop.
Demi bursts into laughter, and you just groan.
After a while, Garrett comes downstairs and greets Demi—all while being quite shook.
Andrew arrives, freaks out over Demi then almost dies when the love of his life comes walking down the stairs.
It's a roller coaster ride for all of you today.
You have a double date with Andrew and Megan, and you can actually feel a connection with Demi.
Cameras are put aside at the end of the night, and you step outside Shane's house to speak with Demi privately.
"I honestly had a great time today," she says, and you smile, a blush creeping onto your cheeks.
"Me, too."
"Would you like to go out again sometime? Maybe without everyone?" she laughs slightly.
"What do you mean 'really'? Is it that surprising?" she chuckles.
"It's're you," you say, and she puts a hand on your face.
"And you're you."
That's when she leans in and presses her lips to yours. You feel giddy. Are you actually dreaming? She tastes sweet, and the scent of vanilla and lavender floods your nose. You move your hands to her hips, and she pulls you closer as she wraps her arms around your neck.
She smiles against your lips before pulling away after what feels like forever and a second at the same time. It felt like an eternity but still too short.
"I usually don't do that on the first date," she admits, blushing slightly.
She looks so beautiful in the light. Her brown eyes shine with life, and her lips are slightly pink.
"I just needed to be sure the spark was there," she says softly, her arms still around you. "It's there."
And that's how Shane, Ryland, and Garrett set you up on a first date with your future wife. That's pretty fucking cool.

So obviously you can read this on its own, but here are the chapters:
1. "Blind Date" from the Shane Imagines
2. "Blind Date x 2" from here
3. "Blind Date Part 2" from the Shane Imagines (coming tomorrow)

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