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Hello hi my beans! I'm back I'm back again tell a fren

The light has faded and things are different...

Whenever you looked at her, you would always feel those butterflies in your stomach and that giddiness you loved. Only now, the spark is gone. You look at her today, and you don't recognize her. The woman you fell in love with isn't her.
"Demi?" you ask, making her look toward you.
"Do you feel like things have changed between us?"
"No," she replies flatly, but that only reinforces the fact that things have changed. She would never reply like that before.
"I think things have changed," you reply finally, and she turns off the TV.
Looking to you, she says, "What are you saying?"
"I think you know what I'm saying," you respond.
"You've changed."
"So now you're accusing me of changing?" she demands, immediately getting defensive.
"This is exactly what I mean," you tell her, trying to remain calm. "You'd never talk to me like that before.
"Maybe you're the one who hasn't matured," she says, and you gasp.
"How dare you," you whisper. "I've invested so much to make this work while you've done nothing."
"How could you say I've done nothing when I've pulled you out of countless ruts and disasters?" she asks, standing up and glaring at you.
"Ruts that you fucking put me in!" you yell, unable to stop yourself. She's changed so much. She isn't the same person. You don't know where that Demi has gone, but she's not here anymore. It's worse than heartbreak.
"I didn't put you in any fucking ruts!" she yells back, now getting even more pissed off. Normally, at this point, you would back down, not wanting to go any further. Only now, you're just done. You've had enough.
"You keep telling yourself that. It's bad enough that you're lying to yourself, but when you lie to everyone around you, it's just too fucking much." You ball up your fists, gritting your teeth as you glare at her.
"Maybe I'm lying to you because you can't handle the truth," she snaps, and you narrow your eyes at her.
"I can't handle the truth. This is coming from you: the person who's never honest with herself or anyone," you say, your tone dripping with sarcasm. You're done with her. You used to feel sympathy for her, but at this point, it's just reached the brink. It's all crashing down around you, and you're letting it. You can't hold up the world on your shoulders anymore.
"You're a selfish bitch, and you think you're so much better than me."
You suck in a breath. "This coming from you," you repeat. She's a walking contradiction, and you're done putting up with her shit. "Demetria, it's over. I can't do this anymore."
With that, you turn around and go to your room. Pulling out a suitcase, you start packing your things.
"You're leaving me?" she asks incredulously, looking at you from the doorway. You don't answer. You grab more of your clothes and throw them into your suitcase. "I'm talking to you," she snaps.
"I'm aware. I just don't have anything more to say to you," you reply simply, stuffing all your crap in the suitcase and zipping it up. You're not that attached to your things anyway; you just grab the things you know you need. You lift the suitcase off the bed and look to her in the doorway. "Get out of the way."
"Don't be stubborn."
"Oh, like you're being?"
"How am I being stubborn?"
"You insist I'm completely in the wrong and refuse to acknowledge the fact that you, Miss Perfect, could have done even a single thing wrong," she replies, her voice dripping with bitterness.
"I'm not saying I'm perfect; I'm saying I'm done with your shit," you tell her, moving toward her and pushing her out of the way. She lets you.
You look to her once you're out of the room. Moving your hand to the necklace she gave you years before, you rip it off and throw it on the ground.
"You're not the woman I fell in love with," you tell her as she watches you leave.
She doesn't say another word. Nothing as you open the door. Nothing as you slam it shut behind you. Nothing as you're walking to your car. Absolutely nothing.
At least you finally know what you mean to her.

so this is kinda like...a thing that I think I have to go through because I'm currently in a really weird place with Demi and my feelings about her
I mostly missed you beans tbh I love you

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