Long Day

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You're coming home after a long day...

You throw open the door and toss your bags aside. You're so fucking tired. People drain you. You love what you do, but it can get really tiring. You need some time to relax.
"Is that you?" You hear your girlfriend's voice.
"Yeah," you reply. Normally, you'd respond with "No, it's a burglar," but you're too tired for that.
"You okay?" she comes out of the kitchen and looks at you.
"Tired," you respond, taking off your coat and putting it aside.
"Want some food?" she asks, and you nod.
"I made some pizza," she says, and you smile slightly.
You follow her into the kitchen, and she pulls out the chair for you.
"I'll do everything. Just relax," she tells you.
You sit down and watch as she gets the pizza out of the oven where it'd been kept warm. She starts slicing it.
The smell is amazing. You can't wait to eat.
She finishes slicing before putting it in the center of the table.
You start eating. Demi used to be horrible at cooking, but recently, she's become amazing. The food is delicious, and you feel so much more relaxed already.
After your meal, you wash up the dishes together. Even though it's a menial and dull task, it's fun with her.
Once the kitchen is cleaned up, you change into more comfortable clothes and go into the living room. You sit on the sofa together, and Demi pulls a blanket over the both of you. You turn on the TV and flip through the channels.
One of your favorite things to do is sit on the couch with her and watch TV. It's like there's nobody else in the world as you sit there in your little bubble. It's perfect.
You'd take this over a fancy date any day.
"They're showing The Princess Bride!" she says as you flick past a channel.
You go back. The movie is just beginning. It's one of your favorites—you've seen it so many times.
"This is perfect," you say, wrapping your arms around her. She puts her arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer.
She's so warm and comfortable.
You watch the movie together, and as more time passes, the closer and closer the two of you get.
By the end of the movie, you're lying in a tangled heap on the couch. Not that either of you mind.
"How you feeling?" she asks softly, brushing your hair off your face.
"Better," you tell her, looking to her and smiling.
"Good," she says before leaning in and kissing you gently.
Your body feels warmer as she kisses you. You smile against her lips.
Sure it's great to go off on crazy adventures with her—you still don't know where that raccoon took your camera—but it's also amazing to just be together at home.
"I love you," you whisper, and she smiles.
"I love you more."

sorry for not updating yesterday! I'm so busy with work right now klsdjvlk

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