Stressed Out

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You're incredibly stressed out...

"Hey," Demi says, walking into your room.
"Hey," you reply, and she looks to you.
"You okay?" she asks, coming over and sitting beside you on the bed.
"Not really," you reply, and she frowns.
"Come here," she says, pulling you into her arms.
You wrap your arms around her and bury your face in her shoulder. She smells sweet as she always does.
"I'm tired," you say, and she kisses the top of your head.
"Want to talk about it?" she asks softly.
"It's too confusing," you admit, and she rubs your back.
"Tell me what you're feeling right now."
"Sad. Confused. Mad," you respond.
"Okay, now imagine those emotions in a ball. They're right in front of your face. They're floating." She lets out a breath. "Now, push them away. Bye bye emotions," she says, making you laugh lightly. "Did they go?"
"Mhmm," you reply.
"Now, see that happy bubble coming toward you?" she asks, and you laugh lightly but nod. "Oh it's going in your ear now. Look at that."
"It's in my brain now," you reply, and she chuckles.
"How do you feel?" she asks.
"Strangely, I feel a bit better," you admit.
"I know that was lame, but sometimes you have to do lame things to feel better," she says.
"You always make me feel better," you tell her.
"That's my job," she responds, brushing your hair behind your ear.
You fall silent for a moment.
"Do you want something to drink?"
"Yeah, I'd like that," you reply.
"Come downstairs with me. We can drink some coffee. I made some cookies, too," she says, and you smile slightly.
You love that atmosphere you get from spending time with the woman you love, eating some cookies that she'd made. It's your thing.
You get out of bed, and you head downstairs together.
"Sit," she says, going over to the coffee pot and pouring some coffee into two mugs. She puts down a mug in front of you before bringing over a plate of chocolate chip cookies.
"They look so good," you say, breathing in the smell.
"I didn't fail this time," she laughs.
You spend your time with her, eating her cookies and drinking coffee. After a while, you feel a whole lot less stressed.
Sometimes you just need to take a little break. It certainly helps that you get to spend it with the love of your life.

that was kinda boring but that's okay lmao

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