Shockwave Part 2

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Part two!!

Ariel showed Demetria around, and they quickly became close friends. It was as if they just "clicked". It was amazing.
They spent all their free time together. They didn't talk to each other in their free time, rather, they freed their time to talk to one another.
It was as if they were on a roller coaster that was speeding toward something that neither of them knew.
Only a month after becoming friends, Ariel found herself thinking of Demetria obsessively. She would wake up in the middle of the night after having a dream about her. She would message her at three A.M. just because she missed her. Demetria would always respond. She made sure that whenever Ariel messaged her, she would get a notification. For everyone else, her phone was silent.
Two months after meeting one another, Ariel finally realized that she liked Demetria. She liked her a lot—not just as a friend. She denied her feelings and distanced herself from Demetria. After all, how could she like a girl? That's impossible.
Demetria was worried about her. Ariel suddenly stopped texting her, and it was as if she were ignoring her. They'd been so close for two months. They had something. She knew they had something.
Demetria called her up one day, and the phone rang and rang. Ariel was in bed, trying to get the thoughts of Demetria out of her head. When she saw her name pop up on her phone screen, she couldn't stop herself from answering.
"Demetria?" she asked immediately.
"Ariel," Demetria replied, sounding relieved. "Where have you been? Why haven't you been talking to me?"
She sounded distressed, making Ariel's heart break. The fact that her heart broke made her angry. She couldn't feel this way. It wasn't right.
She let out a breath before finally saying, "I just...I have these feelings. I can't explain them." She was mad at herself.
"Ariel, I feel them too. I really like you. I need you," Demetria said. She was terrified of what Ariel would say.
"That's impossible," Ariel said, making Demetria's breath catch in her throat.
"Don't deny your feelings. I know you feel it too." Her voice nearly broke as she voiced her feelings. She was putting her heart out there.
"Demetria," she started, but she didn't know how to finish her sentence. She knew she felt something, but she kept denying it. She couldn't let herself feel that way.
"Ariel, we have something special. Let yourself feel it," Demetria said, her voice soft.
After what felt like an eternity, Ariel let out a breath. "I'm not gay," she replied curtly, and she hung up on her.

I'm frustrated with my own story lmaoooo

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