Mate Part 2

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You lean down, looking closer until you realize what it is: a lone paw print.

The following day, you're walking home from work when once more, you see her in front of you. You stop in your tracks, a cold chill rushing over you.
It's not déjà vu—you clearly remember this from yesterday. You'd pegged it as a weird dream, but in your heart, you knew it was real.
Seeing her in front of you once more, you're absolutely sure it was real.
"Demetria," you whisper. Your throat feels dry; it feels like you haven't taken a sip of water in a week.
She steps forward, her yellow eyes glinting in the moonlight. A low growl passes through her lips, but it doesn't seem menacing. It sounds almost like a greeting.
You don't even think as a similar growl slips through your own lips. You panic for a moment and look down at your hands, but you're still a human.
You look around you, scared that someone might see this strange exchange between you and a wolf.
She stops a little way from you and tilts her head to the side. It's almost like she's asking you a question, but you don't know what it is. You don't understand what's happening, but that's when she moves forward at an inhuman speed. You jerk back, but it wasn't even necessary. She's suddenly standing in front of you as a human.
"You really don't understand what's happening?" she asks, and you just blink. You can't really comprehend what's going on, and you can't collect your thoughts enough to form a cohesive sentence.
"You're a wolf like me."
You already figured that.
"You're my mate," she adds. That's also not new to you.
"You haven't perfected your teleportation," she says, coming over to you. You step back, but she grabs your hand. Suddenly, you feel like all the air has been pulled out of your lungs, and you're standing in your bedroom.
You can't even move; you're too in shock.
"There we go," she says, brushing off her clothes as if it's actually necessary to do so.
"What the fuck is happening?" you finally manage to ask, and she looks to you. Her yellow eyes shine in the dark.
"God, I really have to explain everything to you?" she questions, and you just nod. "Fine. I saw you coming home one day. I think it was about a year ago. I knew you were a wolf like me, but you never said anything. You'd didn't know, did you?"
"That I was a fucking werewolf? No."
"I'm not a werewolf. That's bullshit. I'm a wolf that also happens to be a human. I can change at will and not kill people when the moon is full, thanks," she replies, crossing her arms over her chest. "Anyway, you're a wolf like me. I chose you as my mate, and now we're here."
"How the fuck am I a wolf? What is even happening?"
"Just shut up and come live with me in the meadow," she says, reaching for you.
"I can't just leave my life here."
"Yes you can."
"I can't."
"No," you reply, and she stares into your eyes. Her eyes glint dangerously, but you stare her down. You're not going to give in.
That's when she finally says, "Fine."
"You're giving up?"
"We'll live here and in the meadow. Two places. It might be nice to be a human for a while," she comment, running a hand through her dark hair.
"It seems too simple," you say.
"You just like overcomplicating things," she replies before putting a hand on your face and kissing you.
You're confused and overwhelmed, but you do know one thing. You want to kiss her back—so you do.


"Demetria, no," you say as she tries to leave the house in her wolf form. She turns back to her human form.
"Let me go. I want to scare those brat children," she says, smirking devilishly.
"Come on, you hate them too."
It's true. You absolutely despise them. After a few months together, you've managed to perfect your transformations and teleportation, so there aren't any weird mistakes like that first time. The two of you live in your house half the time and in the meadow the other half. It's wonderful.
"Okay fine," you finally say, smiling slightly. Being her mate means you have a certain connection. It's not physical or mental; it's something almost spiritual. You have a deep connection that can't even be described. It's something surreal.
So even things like scaring the neighborhood children feel...different.
You open the door and let Demi through before closing the door behind the both of you. You both transform before starting toward where the kids are being loud little bastards.
They start screaming, and the two of you start laughing. You run back rapidly, turning back into humans as you crash into the house.
You're both laughing, and she throws her arms around you. Your lips crash together, and you smile against her as you move a hand to her face.
"I love you," you whisper.
"I love you more," she breathes, a smile on her lips. She tastes like the forest. You love it.
You smile as you murmur, "Impossible."

I think this clears things up yeah
it wasn't as mysterious as the first part, but I really like it to be honest 

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