Hunger Games

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From lelelovatic to lildixie88 xx
You two are honestly so sweet to each other and it makes me die a little (in a good way)

Based on "The Hunger Games"

She's from a different district...

When you saw her in training, you were just drawn to her. She was clearly different from the others. She seemed control.
You never got to really speak with her, given you were stuck with the boy from your district.
Though you wanted to stick together, he wasn't having it. The moment you were dropped into the arena, he split. You grabbed what you could and ran into the woods. You didn't want to kill anyone. You just couldn't. Luckily, you made it through the open field without any injuries. You first do what you know best: you climb a tree.
You hide out, collect food, and try to survive in the cold nights. Nothing happens to you for a few days. You know you can't keep going like this, but you don't know what else you can do.
That's when one day, someone passes under your tree. You flinch at the sudden movement, and you almost fall out of your tree.
It's her. Her arm is bandaged up, and her blonde hair is tied in a braid down her shoulder. The ends of her hair are blue—it had become her signature look. You can only see the end of the braid because a hoodie covers most of her hair. She looks up, and you hide behind the branch.
"I know you're up there," she says softly, and you look down.
"You going to kill me?"
"No," she replies.
"Why not?" you ask without really thinking.
"You have a sleeping bag and food, right?" she asks, and you nod. "You help me; I'll help you."
"How do I know you won't kill me?" you question, and she smiles slightly.
"Let me tell you something," she says. "I can see your head." She lifts her bow and arrow, pointing it at you. You duck behind the branch again. "I could have killed you already," she says.
You let out a breath. You know she could protect you. At the same time, you know she could kill you easily.
"And I have a plan," she says, and you look to her again. Her bow and arrow are lowered now.
"Let me up, and I'll tell you."
You think for a moment. She really could have killed you already. You decide to trust her. For now, at least.
"Come on up," you say, and she slings the bow onto her back before making her way up the tree. She arrives by your side after about a minute.
"Hey," she says, and you nod to her. You pass her some fruit that you'd found. "Thanks," she says as she takes it.
You talk. She tells you her plan. It's pure genius.


It's been fifteen days. There are only four people left. It's down to you, Demetria, a girl from second, and a boy from first.
You didn't want to kill anyone. Only to save Demetria, it was necessary. You've saved each other too many times to count. You make a good team—and those at The Capitol seem to agree. You've only survived until now thanks to the gifts from the people.
"What do you want to do when we get out of here?" she asks you, holding your hand.
"You expect them to let us both go," you respond.
"If we can't both leave, we both die," she replies, leaning in slightly.
You smile. You're supposed to be acting. You're supposed to put on a scene of love. Only you don't have to act.
Your lips meet, and you smile as you move a hand to her face. She leans into you, deepening the kiss. You can practically see the reactions of The Capitol people.
That's when you hear the sound of fighting in the distance. You pull apart and look toward the clearing. The two other tributes are fighting one-on-one.
"What do we do?" you ask, and she lets out a breath. She brushes her blonde hair behind her ear.
"Let's go in," she replies.
So you do. You start toward the cornucopia, only that's when you hear something from behind. Something animalistic. You know whatever behind you is worse than the two people in front of you. You run past them, reaching the cornucopia. They don't even notice the two of you.
Only that's what you think.
"Bitch, there's literally a knife in your arm," Demetria gasps when she pulls you up.
"Oh shit. That can't be good."
Suddenly, you're yanked off the cornucopia. Your vision is blurred; you don't know what's happening. You just feel pain. In your head. In your arm. You don't know what's happening.
You can hear screaming. The sound of arrows. You're disoriented and almost unconscious.
You try to make your eyes focus. You force yourself to get up. You can see the vague scene of Demetria fighting the boy from first. Her bow is broken on the ground, so she's resorted to fighting with her bare hands. The boy has a knife—he was the one who'd thrown the knife into your arm.
With a sudden surge of adrenaline, you rip the knife out of your arm and lurch to your feet. Throwing all caution to the wind, you tackle the boy, taking him by surprise. You drive the knife into his chest before he can even react, and he screams. You're pulled off him abruptly, and Demetria starts dragging you toward the cornucopia again.
"They're coming," she yells, and you nearly trip as you run. She pulls you up the cornucopia again, and the rabid creature below barely misses your foot.
Your heart is beating rapidly in your chest, and the adrenaline is surging through you so powerfully that you can't even feel the pain anymore.
"What are we going to do?" you breathe, looking to her.
"I'm not letting you die," she responds, breathing heavily.
"You have to be the one to live."
"No," she says, her eyes flickering to your arm. It's bleeding badly. "Let me wrap that up," she says, making you sit down.
She starts wrapping up your arm, and you watch her. She looks beautiful. You can't believe how absolutely stunning she is. You couldn't live with yourself if you let her die.
"Demetria," you say, and she lifts her face to look at you. "Kiss me."
She smiles and leans in, pressing her lips to yours. Your heart flutters in your chest, and you let yourself savor this moment.
The smell of her hair. The taste of her lips. The touch of her skin on yours.
You finally force yourself to do it. You push her back. She screams. You topple off the cornucopia down to the raging creatures below. You brace yourself for the pain, but you hear something slam into the ground next to you. She screams, and that's when a sudden announcement blares.
You can barely hear it, but you realize the creatures aren't attacking. You lift your head slowly to hear the words "—two winners of this year's Hunger Games!"


You wake up in a hospital. You panic for a moment and jerk upright.
"It's okay!" a nurse tells you, pushing you back down.
"Where's Demetria?" you demand.
"I'm right here," a familiar voice says.
You look to your side and see her. Your entire body relaxes as it fills with relief, and you let out a breath.
"Oh my god," you say, closing your eyes. You're alive. She's alive. It's okay.
You reach over to her bed, and you intertwine your fingers. Her skin is warm and comforting. You smile to her, meeting her brown eyes.
Now all that's left to do is bring down The Capitol. Together.

This was a roller coaster wow I hope you liked it

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