Heaven on Earth

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You're lying in bed on your phone...

Several months ago, you got a notification, and you saw that someone had followed you on Twitter. You followed her back, and she messaged you.
You instantly clicked, and within a short amount of time, you found yourself falling for her. You loved the way she thought. You loved her sense of humor. You loved her weird jokes and puns. She was absolutely amazing.
When you first spoke to each other over the phone, you just fell in love with her even more. You were obsessed with the way she laughed. It was like music to your ears.
Now, you lie in your bed, messaging her as she's getting up. You wish you could be with her, but you feel so close to her already. You're wearing her shirt that she'd sent to you, anyway.
It still smells of her.
She lives on the other side of the world, but you don't even mind. You've never felt this strong a connection with anyone before, and you're so grateful. Before you met her, you had only felt physical attractions. Meaningless one night stands and drunken kisses that meant nothing—all became a blur. Your nightly I-love-yous with her mean more than all those previous relationships combined.
You've connected with her on all levels imaginable. All that's left is to feel her skin on yours.

"I don't want to get dressed," she texts you.
"Get dressed, woman," you respond, and you can imagine her face when she reads the text. You can see her typing.
You get another text: "But I like lying around in my underwear."
You bite your lip. This happens sometimes. Usually, you talk about life and be all deep together, and other times, one thing leads to another and you're flirting.
You pause for a moment, thinking of how to respond. You finally send: "You're bluffing. It's too cold there to be in your underwear."
You can see her typing. After about thirty seconds, you receive: "Is this a case of "pics or it didn't happen" orrr?"
You feel your cheeks flush. How scandalous.
You bite your lip as you send back: "Maybe."
You see that she's read the message, and you wait for a while.
You chew your lip as you wait, and after a minute, you receive a picture from her. You bite your lip. She's in white lacy underwear, and you feel your heart nearly stop. She looks incredible. You stare at the photo, and that's when she sends you a message: "Told you I wasn't lying."
You smile slightly and type a response: "I believe you now."
She replies, "Like what you see?"
"I don't like it," you type. "I love it."
You continue flirting in this fashion, and though it's nice, both of you enjoy simple conversation more. You like sharing your mind with someone. Everything is open between the two of you, and you absolutely love it.
You want to be beside her, but all you really want to do is feel her skin to know she's real. The mind and soul you've fallen in love with has an exterior—a gorgeous exterior at that—and you want all of her.

Two months later...

You can't believe this is really happening. She's right here beside you. The personality that you love is now tangible. You can hear her voice by your ear and feel her skin under your fingertips.
It's pure heaven, and there's nowhere else you'd rather be.
"Do you want to know something funny?" Demi asks you, and you smile slightly.
"Sure," you say, and she puts a hand on your face.
"I can't think straight when I'm talking to you. I get tunnel vision and only see you. It's insane," she says, her eyes looking into yours as she speaks. You feel your cheeks warm. Her skin is warm against yours, and you feel giddy.
"You want to know something, too?" you ask, and she nods. She brushes your hair back and moves a bit closer.
Both of your legs are tangled in the sheets, and your bodies are intertwined. You're so close to each other after all these months of being apart.
"I love you," you whisper, and a smile forms on her face. You've both known it. Hell, you've both said it. Only it's never been in person.
"I love you, too," she replies, moving closer. She lets her lips brush yours, and you smile against her. Closing the gap between the two of you, you press your lips to hers. She tangles a hand in your hair, pulling you even closer. You're so close that you're practically one.
Her scent fills your nose, making your heart beat faster. She smells like vanilla and roses. Her hair smells sweet like candy. It's intoxicating.
Touching her makes you feel a rush of emotions. You've never felt anything like this before. Even before you felt her skin on yours, she made you feel emotions that you didn't even know you had.
Her hand fists in your hair, eliciting a soft moan from you. You hook your leg over hers before straddling her. Your lips never leave hers as you move in sync. Her hands move down your body, caressing your skin. She leaves a trail of fire in her wake, and your breath catches in your throat.
You could live within this moment forever, and you just want to memorize the feeling of her skin against yours. You want to feel her in every way you can. You want to feel her mind, her soul, and her body. You want to feel all of her with all of you.
And so you do.
And you fall in love with her even more.

this was so hard to write because during the first part, I got really sad and nostalgic
and then now I have this situation where I have a blind crush on this person and there was a situation in which it was Demi, and then it was her, and then it was Demi, and then it was her again and oh my god

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