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She's lived her life in indecision...

Always, she doesn't know what she wants to do. She wants to sing, but she also wants to act. She wants to write, but she wants to finish reading her book. Her life is filled with decisions that she cannot make. She doesn't know what she wants. She's come through her life thinking she wants something only to think of something else the next day.
She's never known what to do. She feels lost. Even meeting her doesn't bring enough center to her life.
Months of dating leaves her feeling even more confused. She loves her, and her feelings are returned. Yet still, she's racked with indecision. Should she propose? Would she regret her actions?
Every night, she doesn't know what she should do for her girlfriend. But her girlfriend, she doesn't mind. She loves her unconditionally.
"What do you want for breakfast?" she asks her, knowing the answer.
"Anything is fine."
So, her girlfriend makes her breakfast—anything. But she doesn't mind.
"I was thinking we could watch a movie," her girlfriend suggests.
"Either this or this," she says, lifting two movies.
"Either one."
So, her girlfriend decides for her. They both know there will come a day when she needs to make a clear cut decision, but they're both putting it off. Maybe tomorrow.


A year of dating. They love each other so much. She's still racked with indecision. She writes and writes. She sings her heart out. She knows that this girl is the one. Yet something can't push her to propose.
And her girlfriend knows it.
So she makes the move.


"Demi," she says, looking up at her. "I love you. Even though you're the absolute worst at making choices," she jokes, making Demi laugh. "I hope you can make this decision. Be my wife."
She shows her a gorgeous ring, and Demi feels her heart flutter. Everything, for the first time, feels right. Even with all her indecision, she's somehow come down the right path.
She feels tears in her eyes. She's overcome with joy.
For the first time in her life, she knows the answer. She makes her decision, and she couldn't be happier.

little note
this might sound like something that came from something deeeeep but no
I was trying to decide whether to write or read
literally that was it
how lame

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