Chapter 11.

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The cab driver is just as confused as I am. We are in the middle of the road and the cab driver is yet forced to follow orders. He drives to the side so that Louis can get off on the sidewalk. As soon as the car stops, Louis hands me money for the cab and the key to his flat. I frown at him as he takes his seat belt off. We are still not nearly home. 

"What are you doing?" I question.

"Just go home. I just have some stuff to take care of..." He says and opens the door. I protest by putting my hand on his shoulder. He turns to me, still a bit out of breath. We look each other in the eyes and his are completely bloodshot. What is with him, and why won't he tell me?

"I'm sorry if i'm annoying you. I just care about you, that's all..." 

"I won't be long."

He says and gets out the car, completely ignoring my apology and sincere honest comment.. He closes the door and walks away. Abandoning me in the car with a complete stranger. I observe Louis as he puts his hands in his pockets and walks down the road and into town. The driver looks at my reflection in the mirror. Awaiting my permission to keep driving. I feel him staring at me for a long time. I sigh and lift my gaze and meet his.

"Go on..."

I say and he drives off.

9 PM.

Louis has left me in this apartment all day. I've been alone, bored and hungry. I did decide to make us some dinner, but since he wasn't answering any of my calls I assumed he wouldn't be coming soon. So I ended up ordering pizza and saving the left overs for him. I knew he would be long. But he did take longer than expected. Much longer.

After spending further time in front of the tv, I slowly begin to drift off. But just as i'm about to fall asleep completely I hear someone coming into the flat. I immediately panic and basically jump out of the couch. I never locked the front door. It can be anyone. I walk to the front door and see Louis walking in. I sigh in relief. Thank god it is him.

"Hey, what took you so long...?"

I practically whisper as I lean against the door frame. I'm afraid to piss him off more than i've already have today. So here i'm standing. Stroking my arm, avoiding eye contact like the unconfident guy I forgot I truly am. It has just been a while since someone shouted at me last. The only one who has is Joe, and I have always been terrified of him. So after Louis lashed out in the cab this morning, i've grown a bit small around him.

"I stopped by Zayn's place. I assumed you wouldn't mind some time alone"

He tries to tease even though his tone is flat and eyes set on the mail in his hands. He takes his shoes and coat off as I mentally prepare for the discussion i'm about to have.

"You okay? You seem a bit tense."

He assures and finally puts the mails down. His soft voice calms me down a bit. I follow him to his bedroom even though I know I probably shouldn't. But I need to ask him about today, and if i'm in a different room i'll just keep avoiding it.

"Actually... I would like to know what happened today. I'm a bit worried" I say and sit down on his bed. He starts digging in his closet, keeping himself occupied all the time.

"You're beginning to sound like my mom, Harry." He jokes. I don't laugh along so that he'll realize how dead serious I am being. After revealing his beautiful toned upper body, he puts a comfortable t-shirt over his head. I stare at him like he's pure art. He then sighs and sits down next to me, finally looking into my eyes. I suddenly feel his hand on my thigh. In that moment I am completely enchanted. By the sight of him and by his gentle touch. He pats my thigh and it sends chills through my entire body.

" Well I was looking around and... I found you a job. You've got an interview tomorrow actually." I smile at him and he smiles back. "Congratulations bro."

He adds and walks away from me. That's when i'm liberated from my earlier trance. The common word "bro" made me realize what he was actually saying. And the fact that he is avoiding my question completely. Him finding a job for me doesn't even explain half of the things that happened today? I follow him out into the living room.

"But what about the other stuff? What about the car store? What about what happened in the cab!?"

"Harry you're over thinking this! I still don't know you that well. I can't trust you with personal stuff just yet. You need to respect that."

"Are you kidding me!? Where the fuck was I when we first met? I was on the top of the roof, trying to commit suicide! How do you think that feels? You know my darkest secrets and my darkest thoughts and I don't even know a single thing about you!"

"Yes you do!"

"No I don't Louis! You have told me a lot about high school. You have told me a lot about your friends. But what about you? What if I want to get to know you!? The real you. It feels like there's a lot you're not telling me..."

I am practically shaking at this point. My leg is growing unstable and so is my voice. I get really nervous when it comes to confronting people. Especially when it's someone i'm interested in...

"Harry you don't understand... If I tell you these things you will treat me differently..." He says in hushed tones as he looks down at the floor.

"What do you mean?"


And just like that, we are interrupted by the door bell. I hear multiple voices outside the front door. Who the hell comes by this late? I glance at my arm clock. It's soon 10 PM. Well, guess it's not that late... I recognize the voices outside. I turn to Louis and he looks at me unsure of what to do. At last he sighs and walks across the living room to open it and let our guests in. Guess we'll have to discuss this later. I'm so unfortunate with timings... But no matter what, I will tell him something about myself later that he may or may not already know. I don't care if he wants to hear it or not. If he gets the chance to get to know me, maybe he'll let me do the same...

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