Chapter 38.

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The birthday party was great last night. I had a blast. Louis and the biys had planned it all so perfectly as well. I had no idea that they were going to surprise me. And the fact that they brought my mom made it even better. I was literally surrounded with people I adore. Not a soul in there had me feeling any sort of hatred. Usually I'd have Joe around, and it's just great not having to put up with him anymore. Quite frankly, my mother seems to be feeling a lot better without him around. After what I saw last night she seems much healthier and happier.

I can't believe she decided to keep the baby though... I guess she knows what she's doing though. She has apparently convinced my aunt to move into New York too. They are going to live together and my aunt is going to help her out with the baby, and I think that's great. I love my aunt and I can really rely on her. It's good to have one less thing to worry about.

The point is, it was great seeing her and all the news friends I've made in the matter of a couple of months. It was great to see what a long way I've come since october on the edge of the rooftop. And it's all thanks to the angel right next to me.

"Thank you so much for last night and... everything" I whisper as I wrap my arms around his bare body. He is so tired and exhausted and cuddly. I just love him so much. Especially when he's this tiny and innocent.

"Five more minutes" He whines. I can't help but to smile as he furrows his brows. He can be such a grumpy little baby sometimes.

"I just wanted to thank you"

"How about you thank me by making some breakfast?" He mumbles. How can someone this tiny be so sassy? I'm trying to understand. He's like a chihuahua. Small but really fiesty.

I plant a kiss on his soft cheek and get out of the bed. I carefully open and close the door behind me not to disturb him any further. As I make my way to the kitchen I have to walk through the extremely messy living room. It chaotic. Didn't anybody bother to clean up afterwards? There's different kinds of empty bottles on the table and on the floor, along with the remains of balloons, and leftovers from the snacks and... Gosh, it's just too horrible to look at. I will have to clean that up later.

Before making breakfast I decide to take a quick trip to the bathroom and freshen up. But as I walk in I am repulsed by a severe smell. I brush my teeth as fast as I can when I suddenly hear a groan right next to me. I turn around and scream.


I scream as I've practically fallen onto the floor. Niall is sitting on the floor right next to the toilet. He rubs his temples after my scream probably just made his hangover worse. He hushes me.

"Please shut up" He groans and throws up in the toilet. Oh, so that's what the smell was.

"What the hell are you doing here!? Did you sleep here?"

"No I just felt like the toilet needed a hug. Of course I fucking slept here, what does it look like!?" This is the first time I've ever seen Niall this grumpy. I would say it's the hangover speaking, but I think there's something more behind his mood.

"I HEARD YOU SCREAM! WHO IS IT WHAT IS IT!?" Louis exclaims as he bursts into the bathroom whilst holding the nightlamp in the air. He is barely awake but he seems ready to fight the intruder.

"False alarm, it was just Niall. He scared me" I explain. Louis then frowns and puts down the lamp on the floor.

"What were you going to do with a lamp anyways?" Niall questions.

"I don't know, I just took the first thing I could find"

Moments later the three of us are seated by the kitchen table eating breakfast, and discussing how Niall managed to get so drunk last night. Apparently the well known redhead Ellie broke up with him, and moments later Niall caught her making out with some guy named Fred. Which proves that I didn't even know half of the guests last night. Anyways, Niall goes on about how it turned into a fight outside and that there was a lot of drama. He then somehow thought that he was locked inside of the bathroom all night, even though the door was unlocked the entire time. Well, what a story.

"So what happened then?" I ask.

"Ellie left with Fred ofcourse."

"What a bitch" Louis states. I nudge him on his shoulder. I don't like when people slutshame, even though I know Louis doesn't mean to be rude.

"Anyway. So where is Harry sleeping tonight?" Niall asks and I am as usual confused. What does he mean where am I gonna sleep tonight? Here, aren't I?

"What are you talking about...?" I question.

"Well... I have the night shift tonight so... I have to work all night. So I thought that you'd maybe want to sleep somewhere else?"

Louis practically stutters. I frown at him. Is he being serious? I can spend ONE night alone. I'm not a child. It has gone months and months since my suicide attempt. There's no need for further supervision. I am honestly offended right now. He doesn't trust me.

"Liam suggested that we could all sleep at his place" Niall encourages.

"That sounds amazing, doesn't it Harry!? What do you say?" Louis says and speaks to me like he's trying to convince a child. I just nod. We've had a great couple of days and I don't want to start a fight, so I'll just keep my feelings to myself.



Two chapters in one day. I'm in a really bad mood today and I honestly feel like giving up on like... everything. That's why I thought I'd put up two chapters, just in case I happen to not write in a couple of days. But please feel free to try and cheer me up in the comments!

Love always, S.

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