Chapter 35.

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Next morning.

"Niall texted me this morning. He asked if I wanted to go catch a movie with him later"

I inform Louis. We are sitting on the rooftop early in the morning. The sky is as grey as usual and it's freezing outside. But since I woke up early I didn't mind joining Louis for a cigarette or two. He is all hunched inside his big thick jacket. He is literally hugging his own legs as he's sitting there struggling to smoke in the cold. Aside from the deadly tobacco between his fingers, I find him extremely adorable at the moment. It's just something about him. I don't know if it is the way his messy hair is showing under his grey beanie or if it's the fact that he is freezing enough for his cheeks and nose to turn completely pink.

"Now did he really?" He says in a way that sounds ironically surprised. It almost sounds like he's teasing me about something he already knows. Everything about him is making me suspicious these days and it's driving me crazy.

"Yeah, and I don't really have anything else planned so I thought I'd go, If it's okay with you..." I mumble. Louis then chuckles and turns to me with a wide smile. The crinkles by his eyes are prominent and it is so cute. He seems to be in such a good mood today. I have no idea why but it warms my heart.

"Harry you don't have to ask for my permission. I'm your boyfriend. Not your dad."

"Sorry, it's a habit... I was just raised that way"

"No problem, love. Just make sure to eat your vegetables ay?"

Louis teases in a cranky old man's voice. We both chuckle at his terrible imitation with the town beneath our feet. My phone suddenly vibrates in my pocket. It's probably a message from Niall I think. But to my surprise it's not. It's a text message from my mother. Speaking of parents... I have to admit that I was actually expecting a text from her today.

*Hi sweetheart! I hope you and Louis are good. Say hi to him from me. I miss you. Anyway, happy birthday sweetie! Come by whenever you'd like. Love you!*

Is she serious? Let me just rewind for a moment. So I ran away from home to live with a complete stranger, to later pay her a visit and find out that she's pregnant with the monster I called stepdad. Then Louis beat him and we practically saved her life. We found her a new place to live and NOW like ages later, she sends me a TEXT MESSAGE on my BIRTHDAY and thinks that that's enough? I don't think so. If she wants to greet me properly she will have to come here or something. Not just text me after all the shit I've helped her through. I don't care if i'm spending my birthday with some guys that don't even know I turn 21 today. I'd still rather be here than there.

"Is something wrong?"

Louis asks after my unusual long silence. I keep my eyes down at the phone screen in my hands. I really don't want to get in to this now. I don't want to tell him about my long family sob story once again, cause he'll probably just try to convince me to visit her AGAIN. Last time he forced me to go there I ended up with her life in my hands.

Nor do I want to remind him that it's my birthday. Why? Well... Birthdays used to matter to me once upon a time. My parents would wake me up with pancakes and we would invite all of our friends and family during the day. But one day it all changed.


It was my my 12th birthday. I had been struggling to fall asleep all night for some reason.I knew something was wrong that day. Because I kept having these nightmares that my dad would die. So when I woke up early on my 12th birthday, I remember rushing up the stairs to my parents bedroom and hearing them shouting and screaming at each other. I was scared so I just hid in the hallway. Mother was crying and so was I. My father soon walked out of the bedroom door and rushed down the stairs. Mom just stayed in her room crying. As much as I wanted to comfort her I couldn't. I just ran after my dad. He grabbed his bags and walked over to the front door. I stopped right in front of him. He saw me. I know he did. I just don't understand how he could do what he did. He just stared right into his sons eyes and walked away. "Dad please don't go" were words that held no meaning to him. He just put on his shoes and walked right out of the door. And from that moment on, he might as well have died like in my nightmares. Cause that's what he was to me from that day on. Dead.


"Harry!" Louis shouts. I flinch and turn to him, realizing I never answered him.

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something..."

"You seem bothered. Who texted you?"

"Nah, It was just Niall telling me to get ready."

I lie. Something tells me that i'm a terrible liar cause Louis simply doesn't seem to buy it. But at this point I don't even care. There are many things he's hiding so I have the right to have some secrets of my own.

Hours later.

"So did you like the movie?"

Niall asks the second we get out of the movie theater. I keep my eyes locked on my telephone screen as we walk past a bunch of teens being much louder than necessary.

"It was alright."

I mumble without even giving him a single glance. I honestly don't even know what the movie was about. I spent the entire time thinking about my mother and considering visiting her after all. Niall has his car with him so he could just drop me off there for a few hours.

*I'll be there in ten minutes. H*

I text at last. I hesitate on pressing send but after ages I finally press it. I don't even care about what Louis is hiding anymore. All I can think about right now is my mother. I turn to Niall and notice that his eyes are glued to his phone as well. That's quite unusual since the only thing he ever does with that phone is taking selfies, and that's obviously not what he's doing now.

"We don't have to go home yet. We can drive by McDonald's perhaps? Get something to eat? I'm starving" Niall suggests. I am actually pretty hungry as well but I can just eat at my mother's house. I've missed her cooking to be honest.

"I would actually like to visit someone... Would you mind giving me a ride?"

"Uh... I..." Niall's eyes widen as he stutters his words out. What is up with him today? His phone suddenly vibrates and he sighs in relief. "Thank god" He breathes and answers the call. "Mhm... Uhuh...  Sure... Now? Like right now?... Okay... Yeah okay. Bye." Niall says into the phone. 

"We have to drive by Tommo first" He then says.

"Louis? Why what's wrong?" I immediately feel that something's up.

"I don't know, he wouldn't tell me. But he said it was urgent so we have to get there right now!"

Oh my god what is happening, is Louis okay!? Well screw meeting my mother then! I need to go find Louis as fast as possible! If my mother really misses me she will have to come herself.

"CAN YOU DRIVE FASTER!?" I burst. God we have to get there as soon as possible. I don't know what I'm going to do if something happens to him...


GUYS what happened to the comments? Feels like telling a story to people who just nod along with no face expressions haha, just kidding. But please tell me what you think about the chapters. I find it difficult to improve otherwise.

3K you guys! That's incredible. Thank you so much! You're awesome.

Love always, S.

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