Chapter 75.

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Hours pass and at last I find myself stumbling out of the taxi to get home. Everything is spinning but at least I've sobered up a little. I barely remember anything that I've done tonight, but I do remember Liam helping me sober up a bit and getting me into a taxi. He's such a good friend, I gotta say. The streets are pitch black and the money I hand the taxi driver is all rumpled up. I walk into the building and get into the elevator. Good thing Liam didn't send me off completely drunk. I'm just the right amount of intoxicated. I push my nose to the red Adidas material on my shoulder. Shit, I shrink of alcohol and smoke. Fuck, I have to get rid of the smoke smell. Harry will flip out.

When I get to our door, I quietly unlock it and try to be as silent as possible. The lights are out, so if I'm lucky, Harry might already be asleep. I take off my shoes and gently place them along with the others, including Harry's boots. I then try to make my way through the dark living room and find the bathroom. If I manage to get in there I can just take a shower and then Harry won't notice any smell. I sneak in on my tip toes, trying to see where the fuck I'm even going. Nothing has ever been as loud as tonight. Every step I take on the wooden floor creaks, and it seems like every breath I take echoes. Before I know it I stumble on the side of our carpet. Shit, walking in the complete dark when you're drunk never works. Fuck fuck fuck.


I hear Harry's raspy questioning voice call. I sigh. Fuck. Did I really think I would be able to sneak into this apartment without getting busted? I take a deep breath and walk into the bedroom with the open door. All I can see is Harry's curls until he puts on the nightlight. He scratches his eyes tiredly and sits up in the bed. He's not wearing a shirt and his hair is all over the place and his face is puffy, flushed and tired. God, what a gorgeous sight. I take my red jumper off and throw it to the floor. Hoping it will eliminate some of the smell. Harry looks at the clock and then back at me.

"It's four AM. Did you just get here?" He asks in a rather pissed off tone. I just try my best to awkwardly laugh it off, but Harry isn't having it. He hasn't smiled once and that concerns me. I start undressing until I'm in nothing but my underwear, hoping it will have some distracting effect on him. But it doesn't seem like it. He just looks at his phone with his eyebrows wrinkled and pouting lips. Pretty much like a grumpy three year old. But somehow I can't help but to find it utterly adorable.

I make my way to the bed and sit down next to him. He picks up his phone and starts scrolling through his Instagram feed. I rest my chin on his shoulder and look at his screen. He barely looks at the pictures he just double taps everything basically. He doesn't pay any attention to me. Why didn't I just sleep in Liam's place instead of waking Harry up and causing him to sit like this and completely ignore me?

I start poking Harry's cheeks, trying to catch his attention but he just leans away, obviously annoyed. I keep poking his cheek until I finally manage to make his dimple appear. He tries to hide his smile and tries his best to stay grumpy but he just can't. His poker face is the worst. I start pinching his cheek until he starts laughing, telling me to cut it off and stop being so cheeky. He puts his phone away and lays back down on the bed, pulling the blanket over his exposed torso. No, he can't sleep now. I won't be able to sleep when I know that he's pissed at me. I crawl over to his side and lean my lips towards his chin. Planting soft kisses all over his neck. He giggles and turns really ticklish. Gosh, he's so damn cute sometimes.

"Did... Did Sandy bother you any more tonight?" Harry tries to ask even though he can't seem to stop smiling as I kiss him all over his arm.

"Nah, I think you scared him off." I admit as I look at his sweet innocent smiley face. Harry really is one of a kind. I've never met a guy that can be so manly and rugged one second, but a completely adorable kitten the next. I look down at him as he gives me the dearest smile ever. I lean down and peck his lips. His smile slowly fades and turns desperate of my affection. He pulls me down once more and starts kissing me passionately. I hover on top of him and continue kissing him, letting my hands caress his bare chest.

"I'm sorry if I was being a pain in the ass today" Harry suddenly says, taking me by surprise. Why is he apologizing? I honestly thought I was the absurd annoying one today? Oh well, I'm more than willing to put the blame on him. I don't really feel like getting scolded right now.

"It's fine princess" I say and he smiles widely. Seems like he likes that nickname. I lay down on my back with a sigh. I'm so damn tired. Harry places his head on my chest and wraps his arm around my waist. I embrace him and kiss him on his curly head. This is perfect. This is everything I've ever wanted.

"Louis?" Harry squeaks softly, looking up at me with his gorgeous innocent puppy eyes. I let out a small "Mmh?" causing him to rest his chin on my chest and draw circles on my skin with his index finger. "Can you please stop smoking?"

He asks in such a sweet, loving, heartfelt way that I can't get myself to say anything other than yes. I don't even say the actual word. I just nod and stare at the ceiling, wishing I didn't just promise him something I know will be impossible to keep. Besides, the way his eyes sparkles with happiness is just something I want to see... forever. So yes. Whatever the question is, my answer is whatever he wants to hear. I want his happiness. That's all I care about.

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