Chapter 32.

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*Warning for mature content*

"He's not my boyfriend I-" She tries to explain to me, even though I'm the one that has explaining to do...

"No I'm not your fucking boyfriend. I'm HIS" Louis defends and puts his hand on my shoulder. This is probably the first time he's ever called me his boyfriend but he's drunk and angry so he probably doesn't mean it. Her chin drops.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I had no idea"

"Well here's a tip. Don't go around kissing guys you just fucking met, does that sound like a plan?"

"I-I" She stutters, but doesn't get the chance to get a word out before Louis bursts out.

"I'm so sorry but I should leave" I say and leave her there. I feel so bad for putting her in that awkward situation, but she brought it upon herself. She was the one that kissed me! I never meant for anything to happen. And who's more important, the guy I live with and am head over heels in love with or a girl I just met? It's a no-brainer. There's no doubt that I should hurry as fucking fast as I can to our cabin to make sure he's okay.

"Louis, I know you're in there. Open up."

I've stood outside our cabin door for ages now, knocking on the door in hopes that he will open up. He has the card so I can't get in. After a while I begin worrying. What if he's not even in the cabin? What if he went somewhere? And just as that thought crossed my mind, Louis opened the door.

"Listen, I'm so sorry I-"

"Save it. It is my fault." He surprises me by saying. It is? "I shouldn't have gotten mad. I overreacted. I mean, we're just friends after all..."

Friends? Oh fuck, here we go again. There's no way he can try to convince me that we're just 'friends' and nothing else. Friends don't act like we do, and I know that for a fact. I guess he's just drunk and frustrated and... I need to find a way to convince him otherwise. A voice in my head knows exactly how to turn the tables around but the question is if I'm brave enough...

"Friends? Do friends do this...?" I ask and walk up to him, cupping his face and kissing him passionately. He doesn't even put up a fight. He just keeps still and lets our lips softly mold into each other. My heart aches every time our lips part and I take my time before I stop. "And this...?" I say and slide my hand down his waist pulling his body closer into mine. He sighs and protests with his gentle hand on my chest.

"Harry I'm being serious" He says.

"So am I."

As soon as the words reach his ear I move him over to the bed. He sits down and something strange takes over me. I don't know if it is because I'm feeling so bad for kissing that girl, or because I want to do anything to keep him from calling us friends. But all I know is that I crave him to the point where I'm willing to do anything, and I mean everything. I stand in front of him and slowly begin undressing as some sort of strip tease. I'm not even sure what I'm doing, but it's fun. Even though I am nervous and insecure I still feel some kind of excitement. At first he seems to want to stop me but as soon as my shirt drops to the floor I gain his full attention. I slowly unbuckle my belt and slide them down along with my skinny jeans. Then I'm standing there in nothing but my black boxers. Louis takes a deep breath.


He breathes. I try to act as confident as possible but it's so hard to stand half naked in front of the guy you adore and not want the ground to swallow you up. But his comment and face expressions are some great self-esteem boosters.

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