Chapter 85.

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The tension is unbearable. These last few days have been driving me crazy and frustrated in many ways. Louis' health is fine, so is mine. I mean, to be honest... everything between Louis and I has been fine, besides the fact that there has been no heat. None. Ever since our incident when the doctor didn't recommend him being active like that, we have been so boring. His condition is much better and I haven't seen him smoking in what feels like ages. It's quite a nice change to be honest. Now I'm growing fond of his scent without it being all covered by the smell of cigarettes. So things have been great... BUT I'M GOING FUCKING CRAZY. This no-sex policy is beginning to make me get turned on by the smallest of things. I never get any "me time". Louis and I sleep on the same bed everyday so it's been difficult. And every time I'm home alone I get interrupted by either a phone call or one of the boys coming over unannounced. 

"Can you help me tie this? I don't have the patience for this shit" Louis says as he walks over to me with his work clothes and an undone tie. I sigh and get off the couch. I stand up in front of him and start to tie the knot on his black tie. God, he's looking so hot right now, he's not making this any easier on me. He's wearing black pants and his white shimmy tucked in. His hair is up in a fancy swirl and I just can't help but to stare at him like a creep. As soon as I've tied his tie he hurries into the bedroom to get his coat.

"When will you come home?" I whine as I drag my long bare legs towards the bedroom door. I lean against the door-frame with arms crossed and look at him as he fixes his tie in front of the mirror. 

"I don't fucking know. Probably a few hours or so. I haven't bothered to check my schedule." Louis snaps. He has been in a really bad mood lately. I don't know if it's because he hasn't smoked in ages or if it's for the same reason as me. Either way we've both been in bad moods lately and we need to fix it. I want to take the initiative and just seduce him already, cause I want to so fucking bad. But I can't. If he has a relapse from exhausting himself it will all be my fault just because I can't seem to fucking keep it in my pants. Imagine? I would never be able to forgive myself.

"Well, I'll miss you" I plead as he walks past me. I needly follow him to the front door and wait for him to kiss me goodbye. I'm not usually this desperate for a kiss, but right now I'd die for any sort of physical affection from him.

"Oh, no need to make a scene, princess. I'll be back in a few hours." He sighs and plants a simple kiss on my lips. I wish it would have lasted a few seconds longer but I take what I get.

"Drive safe"

I add as he walks out the door. He gives me a small smile and leaves. I sigh and close the door. Jesus christ. It's bad enough that we've been so non-affectionate lately, but now he's having this exhausting attitude and it's driving me nuts. Oh well, now that he's not here, I can maybe try to get some of my frustration out.

I sit down on the couch and take a deep breath. Before I know it there's a loud knock on the door. OH FOR FUCKS SAKE! I can't get a break! I walk over to the door and look through the peephole. It's fucking Niall and Liam. What the hell are they doing here? I hesitate for a second and think weather I should act like I'm not home or just open the damn door and ask them to leave. I take another look into the peephole. They've brought pizza... Fine. I'll let them in.

"Sup bro! Where's Louis?" Niall exclaims as soon as I open the door. I sigh and walk over to the living room, pushing my curls away from my face.

"You just missed him... He went to his stupid job..." I sigh and Niall and Liam both join me on the couch. Liam opens the pizza carton and takes a piece.

"Someone seems a bit grumpy today" Liam points out.

"Ya think!?" I sigh frustrated, not even bothering to try and deny it. I'm fucking pissed off about everything and I'm going to tell them that.

"What's wrong, man?" He adds. I sigh and rub my eyes.

"Louis and I haven't had sex in a month." I say. They both choke. Probably a bit more than they needed to know. They start questioning why and I go off on a rant about what the doctor had said and that I was afraid to exhaust Louis and all of that shit. Before I know it, we've managed to eat all the pizza and still not come to a good conclusion.

"What's wrong with you? Just do it already." Niall says straight out, inconsiderate as he is. I shake my head and Liam steps in as soon as he notices my unsettle death glare to Niall.

"Harry, I understand where you're coming from... But isn't Louis pissed? I mean, the only thing he asked is for us to treat him normally, and you're kind of doing the exact opposite right now." Liam says. I groan out of frustration and lean back in the couch.

"You have a point... But I'd still feel guilty" I admit.

"Unless.." Niall starts and catches my full attention. I'm up for options right now cause I honestly can't stand keeping my hands off Louis any longer.

"Unless what?" I snap impatiently.

"Unless you make him jealous at the party tonight. Trust me, if I know Louis right, which I think I do, he won't stand seeing you flirt with someone else." Niall says, and for once he actually comes up with a good idea. Even Liam seems impressed.

"It could work." Liam says. "Or you just tell him the truth and get on with it?" He suggests. I shake my head as I feel a devious smirk grow upon my lips at the thought.

"No. This will be way more fun."

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