Chapter 83.

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"Special delivery for Mr. Tomlinson!" I exclaim as I bring a tray of my finest made breakfast into the bedroom, to give Louis the best start of the day. As I enter the room I notice that Louis is sitting on the edge of the bed writing something on a piece of paper. I would ask him about it but it seems to be something private so I ignore it. He puts it away and sits up straight on the bed. I place the tray in the middle and lay down next to him, enjoying the view as he starts off with pouring milk in his tea. He's so pretty sitting there with his messy hedgehog hair and Adidas shorts on.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He asks and I shake my head. Egg and bacon is great and all, especially mine, but I can't gain any more weight. Speaking of which, I haven't checked my actual weight on a scale for what feels like ages... "Come on, gorgeous!"

Louis encourages and tries to feed me like a child. I sigh and reject the fork inches away from my mouth. Louis doesn't even say anything, he just sighs and carries on with eating. I stare at the scale on the corner of the bedroom for a while before deciding to go check. I get off bed and walk over to the scale with Louis' eyes following me attentively. I take a deep breath and step up on the scale. Shit. I've gained about three pounds since last time I checked. I groan in irritation and go back to the bed, pulling the sheets over my exposed body.

"I've gained three pounds..." I say under my breath. Louis looks at me confused.

"So?" He questions with his mouth full of food. I stare at him envious. He can eat and eat and not give a damn about his weight. I wish I could be like that. I grunt and sit up in front of him.

"Easy for you to say! Look at you! You can eat like crazy and not put on any weight. I can swallow air and gain tons" I exaggerate, causing Louis to chuckle. It amazes me how he can't take any of this seriously. Every time I bring it up he's always joking around and laughing it off. "Louis, please, I'm being dead serious."

"So am I!" He defends and puts the tray down on the night stand, allowing him and me to have more room on the bed. He scoots closer to me and puts his hands on my shoulders looking me right into my eyes. "Sweetie, listen to me. Why are you letting this get to you!? I don't care about your weight and neither should you!" He assures. I look down but he quickly leads my eyes back up to his. "You're beautiful. No matter what you do you will always be absolutely gorgeous to me."

He says and I keep blushing at his every word. Louis is probably the only one in the entire world that can make me feel way better with a few simple words. The thing is, he ALWAYS knows exactly the right things to say.

"What if I get so big that I can't walk?" I tease just to push him over the edge. He shakes his head and laughs.

"That's doesn't sound healthy but... I'd carry you." He says. I smile and plant a kiss on his lips.

"Well what if I shave my hair off?"

"Oh I'd break up with you. No doubt. Those curls are everything. I don't even want you, I'm just attracted to your hair. Definitely."

He says sarcastically and causes me to laugh.

"Oh shut up" I surprise him by saying. I notice by the way his eyebrows raise right before I lean in for another kiss.

Tired and lazy as we are it doesn't take long until we take a nap, cuddled up on the bed. I've managed to somehow end up on his side of the bed with his arms around me, pulling our warm bodies into each other. My nose is against his exposed chest, causing his familiar masculine scent to arouse me. He's fallen deep enough to sleep for his gentle little snore to appear, keeping me up. Poor thing has always had trouble with breathing at night, this probably has something to do with his disease also. Suddenly the sweet calm quiet is disturbed by Louis' phone ringing. Louis reacts by flinching and groaning. He grabs his phone and looks at who's calling. He sighs at the screen, turns the sound off and puts the phone back on the bed.

"Who was it?" I ask, trying my best not to sound nosy, rather curious.

"Work." He murmurs with his hoarse lazy voice and pulls me in closer. As our hips press against each other under the sheets I notice something I didn't before. The tightness in his shorts. He leans down and plants a slow sloppy kiss on my lips. His slight stubble tickles my face, causing me to smile into the kiss. Butterflies fill my stomach as his hands caress my skin and goes down my spine. He gently squeezes my waist as he starts making out with me. I cup his face and run my fingers through his soft brown hair, gently tugging at his neck hair. I slowly begin to harden as well as he starts squeezing my bum.

"I really don't want to go to work" He hisses with his hands still tracing my body. I grind onto him eager to gain the contact of his hand on my length.

"Then don't." I say more sensually than intended. He smiles at me deviously and starts kissing my neck in the hottest way ever. My hands start tracing his curves and reach his huge ass outside the fabric of his shorts. His phone gets another call. He quickly grabs my hand and puts it away.

"Sorry princess but I have to go." He says and gets up, planting one last quick kiss on my lips before hurrying to the wardrobe. He throws his work attire on the bed and starts undressing with his hard on. I keep staring at him frustrated. He can't just leave like that.

"Just five more minutes" I whine and he chuckles, putting his shimmy on. I sigh. What a tease.

"I'll be back in a few hours, I promise love."

He says and before I know it he's dressed and out of the door. I sigh and look around. On the nightstand is a piece of paper. The same piece of paper he was writing on earlier. My curiosity takes over my conscience and I end up reading what's written on it. It's easy to say that my mood changed entirely when I read what he had written. I had no idea he felt this way.


I'm slowly disappearing with every piece of me fading into my surroundings. There's just a matter of time until I'm completely invincible. Gone. Gone for good. Lost in this dark hole with no one there to pull me back up. Gone with no return. I'm fading away. One day at a time.

He's not even done with writing it. This must be the start of something... A journal? Diary? I have no idea. I feel like I need to do something, but I don't know what. As a natural instinct at the moment of emergency I grab my phone and text Niall.

*Hi, sorry to bother you but... I need your help with something. H*

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