Chapter 25.

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"How did you sleep?"

Louis asks as he walks into the kitchen. It is the morning after and it sure was a long night. I slept on the mattress, Louis slept on the couch and mom slept in Louis' bed. Kind enough of him to let her sleep there.

"Not good.."

I admit, eyes locked on the coffe between my hands. When I finally look up I notice that Louis is all dressed. I forgot he had to work today.

"Well if you decide to buy her a place of her own, I won't judge. Besides, I'm enjoying having you as a roommate, so I surely won't mind having you around longer"

He says and pats my back. It's good to know he supports me in this, cause it sure is a no-brainer. Of course I'm going to buy her an apartment of her own. No doubt about it. Then she can start working and not have to deal with that asshole, Joe. Besides, after we left last night, we called the police and told them that he's been abusing me and my mother. After mother showed them her scars and bruises they immediately arrested him for his crimes. I don't know how long he'll be in jail, but we're safe for now.

"Thanks, Louis. For everything."

I say and turn to him. And I mean it with all of my heart. He's the reason i'm still alive. He's the reason my mom is free from a horrible man, and he's the reason I still have faith.

"No problem. Just promise to stay strong. Otherwise all I've done will be in vain" He says and gives me a hug, patting my back in a way to make it less romantic and more friendly. "Well. I'm off to work. See ya in a couple of hours curly!"

Curly. Wow he sure has a lot of nicknames for me. Is it hard for him just to call me Harry? Like he does with the others? I mean Liam, Zayn, Niall. He calls them all by their name. But me? Styles, Curly, Grumpy, Harold... Maybe I should find a nickname for him too?

"Morning honey..."

Mother says and snaps me out of my "nickname" thoughts. That's when I realize that Louis has already left and my coffee has turned a bit cold. Mother is wearing her pajamas and a big robe on top of that. She sits down on the chair next to me, and I immediately offer her something to drink or eat, but she says that she has no appetite in the morning. If you'd ask me, it seems like she hasn't had an appetite in a while. She has gotten so skinny...

"So apparently you never moved in with Chad..."

She says and memories flash of when I left home, telling them I was going to live with my sister's old friend when really I was about to commit suicide.

"But Louis seems like a very nice guy..." She adds.

"Yeah, he is"

I say and find myself smiling like a fool just by the thought of him. Mother puts her hand on my shoulder and rubs it. God i've missed her so much.

"You like him, don't you?"


"How about him? Is he not...?" Silly mom is still not sure when it's okay to say the word 'gay'.

"No he is. But he just doesn't feel the same way... He doesn't like me"

"How do you know?"

"Cause he told me"

Apparently, Louis has many contacts in town, so after making "a few calls" he managed to get my mother a flat of her own. Well, at least for now. This friend of his (called Mike) is apparently out of town for a while, and oddly enough, this stranger was kind enough to rent his apartment out until he gets back. So for now I can proudly say that my mother is safe.

She and I sat a long time after unpacking everything into her temporary apartment. We talked about everything and opened up about many things. I asked her what she's planning to do when Mike wants his apartment back, and she just shrugged.

"We need to move back to England after this, Harry..."

She whispers at last. I look away from the now empty pizza carton in front of us and turn to her. My heart raises when I see the dead serious look on her eyes. I mean, it's a great idea. For her that is. England is a great place to be for her and her... unborn child. But... I don't want to leave. I really really don't want to. Being without Louis? I don't even remember what that feels like.

"I-I think I'll stay in New York actually..."

I finally manage to stutter out of my mouth. She looks at me confused and surprised, and even a bit... impressed? A smile suddenly creeps up on her face as she stares at me and I turn really uncomfortable.

"It's cause of that guy, isn't it?" She teases. I huff and get out of the chair.

"Well 'that guy' actually saved my life, AND yours I might add. I think I owe him."

"Do what ever feels right, sweetheart. Whatever happens, you know you have my full support. Alright?"

She says and pulls me in for a hug. She is finally beginning to smell like herself again. Her skin is not ice cold anymore. And even after all that has happened, I can finally see a smile on her face. She looks proud. Well I sure am. I love my mother dearly, and if I could, I would give her the world.

She pulls away and cups my face the way she used to do when I was just a small child. She carefully wipes away the tears I didn't know I had with her thumb, and looks into my eyes. That's the moment she said the sentence that would follow me for the rest of my days.

"If you love him, let him know."

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