Chapter 80.

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Time is running fast and I'm at its speed. Louis is placed on one of the rolling hospital-beds being rushed into the first available room they can find. I'm running along with the doctors trying to get them to explain what is going on, but none of them are paying any attention to me.

"What is going on!? Is he okay!? Is he gonna be okay!?"

I keep repeating. On and on and on. One of the doctors motions for a nurse to calm me down. I suddenly feel the nurses hand grip me my my arm and stop me from following them any further.

"I'm sorry but you can't go in there."

She says, and by the time I realize what's happening the bed is gone and the doors close to the patients room. I crouch down and try to regain my breath. Before I know it I see Zayn, Liam and Niall trying to catch up with me. I turn to the poor innocent nurse with all of my anger pointed towards her.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T GO IN THERE!? I want to know what the hell is going on!" I shout and I notice the boys pushing Liam forward to get in the middle.

"Oboy..." I hear him sigh as he stands in between me and the nurse and pushes me back. It's not until I step back a few steps that I realize that I was screaming her right in the face and that I've caused the entire waiting room to stare at me like I'm some crazy person. Liam places his hands on my shoulders and tries to get my attention. "Heyheyhey take a deep breath. Look at me."

He says but I just keep staring around the room as everyone is staring at me in horror. Niall and Zayn have just caught up with us and are both staring at us like lost confused puppies. Liam turns my face around to look him in the eyes. "He's gonna be okay. Alright? It's just a little relapse. It's no big deal. He's gonna be fine. I promise."

He assures and I can't seem to react in any other way than to break down and cry into his arms. Fortunately for me, Liam is one of the best people at comforting me. He just wraps his arms around me tightly and lets me cry out in his shoulder. I don't think I've ever cried like this in front of them all. Just in front of Louis. But it doesn't feel weird at all to me. It has been so much going on lately. So much I've had to accept and deal with and this was just like the final drop.

Time passes and I just grow more and more impatient with every second. The clock ticks and as time goes by and hours pass I at last manage to fall asleep with my head on Liam's shoulder. I can feel that I'm sleeping with my arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed. I still can't seem to fall fully asleep cause my mind is still wide awake.

"Do you think it's serious?" I hear Zayn whisper to the boys, probably not aware that I can still hear them.

"Nah, man. This happened last time we played football as well, remember? We sat in here for ages and it turned out to be nothing." Liam answers, and I feel his voice vibrate in his chest.

"Harry is so worried about him"

Niall adds and I feel my heart skip a beat at the mention of my name. But I keep my eyes closed and try to fall asleep. The guys agree and I just try my best to keep my calm. The clock ticks and before I know it we've all managed to fall asleep in individual chairs in the waiting room. I have Niall leaned against my shoulder, snoring like crazy, and Zayn leaned on Liam's other shoulder.

"Tomlinson?" I hear the female nurse call out carefully. My eyes fly open and I jump out of the chair and hurry up to her within the blink of an eye.

"Is he okay!? Where is he!?" I question with my hoarse voice, my anxiousness shining through. I hear the boys slowly get off their chairs with several jawns exchanged. They gather up behind me as the nurse leads us to the room Louis is in. At this point I'm far beyond worried and frustrated. I am scared for his life and all this terrible nurse can do is smile at me and lead me through the corridors in complete silence. When we get to the 'ultimate' door we're stood face to face with his familiar doctor. Doctor Nelson.

"He's in there resting. I apologize for worrying you. We had to keep him for a few hours to take some tests." He informs without even bothering to greet us. There's a window into the room that I immediately look into. There he is. I can see him resting peacefully in his bed.

"How were the results?" Liam is brave enough to ask. I would've but I'm terrified of the answer. What if this was some kind of sign that he's only getting worse? Do I even want to know? Or do I honestly just want to take him home and cuddle with him until all of our problems go away...? Probably the second alternative.

"Well I should have you know that..." He says, of course obligated to have a long dramatic pause, causing every inch of me to shake with worry. "He's fine." He says and I feel my heart falling off my chest. I sigh highly in relief.

"Thank god..." I whisper as I hear the boys just as relieved as me. Doctor Nelson clears his throat and continues.

"But you can't wake him up just yet. He needs some rest." The doctor assures us. We all nod in agreement. I feel every nerve in my body calm down, but I'm still worried for this to be repeated. Because I can surely not handle being this scared again. It has been the hardest night in a long time. I thought I was gonna lose him. I really did.

"Is there anything we can do to stop this from happening?"

I ask the doctor in all seriousness, with Louis in the next room. The poor thing is just laying in the bed. It's hard seeing him this way. I don't think I'll ever be used to seeing him like this. He's usually full of energy and lightens up the entire room. Yet all of the sudden some of his best qualities are taken from him. He's just laying there, barely conscious. So I'm stood there, with my love on one side, this doctor on the other and his friends right behind me.

"Well there are many things that can help preventing this. Mostly energy dependent activities. Try to avoid sports and things that requires a lot of physical activity. Such as running, swimming, dancing and coitus."

He informs and I hear Niall choke behind me. I shake my head. "So basically, he can't exhaust himself in any way?" I assure.

"Well, of course he can. He's obviously capable. Although we don't recommend it in his condition."

"Alright. Thank you for all your help doctor Nelson. I really appreciate it." I say. He smiles at me and leaves me and Louis in the room. I can finally bring him home, but at this point I am honestly afraid to. How am I supposed to be the one taking care of him when it has always been the other way around?

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