Chapter 41.

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It is finally the next day which means that I can finally get my mind off my sister for a while. I sure miss her terribly but I shouldn't mourn her every day. That's not what she would have wanted. Besides, today is a good day because I worked early in the morning and came home just in time to make my boyfriend some dinner. He's been working like crazy these last few weeks and I feel the need to show him some appreciation. But hours pass and before I know it it's night and the food has turned cold. And of course Louis doesn't answer as I call him either. Typical.

Just when I'm settled on the couch with a movie and popcorn on my lap, I hear the front door unlock. I glance down at my arm clock. Almost midnight. Why am I not surprised?

Where was he? I always want to ask him where he's been when he comes home late, but I rarely do. I don't want to be that kind of guy in a relationship that wants to know every single detail about where he's going and with whom. I know that the real me is overly attached easily, but he doesn't need to know that. We haven't been dating long enough for him to see that extremely jealous side of me.

So now that he walks into the apartment in different clothes then he had this morning, I don't do anything other then to check the watch on my wrist. It's almost midnight. What the actual fuck?

"Hey baby" He whispers into my ear and hugs me from behind the sofa. I keep my arms crossed and try to have a straight face eventhough his every touch makes me weak. He kisses my neck as he holds me tightly. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. What's that smell? He smells different.

"New perfume?" I ask. He lets go of me and drops his bag to the floor.

"Yeah. Why? Don't you like it?" He practically stutters.

"No it's fine, really. I just thought I'd ask."

I try to say as calmly as possible, even though there's a voice in my head telling me that he's lying. I just try my best to push that thought into the back of my mind. Just because he got home late doesn't mean that I have the right to be suspicous about everything he does or says. That would be unfair.

As Louis changes into sleepwear I get a unexpected text from Niall. *Guess who I saw Louis with today? Sandy.* It says. All the calmness I earlier had suddenly dissapears and is replaced my endless anger and worry. Just in general the feeling of betrayal. Sandy? Why the fuck would Louis hang out with his psycho ex and not even tell me?

I want to ask him about it, but he surely has some valid explanation for it that he will tell me whenever he feels like it. No need for me to force it out of him. As that thought crosses my mind Louis walks over to me in nothing but sweats and his soft messy hair. God, he's so damn gorgeous. He sits down on the sofa next to me and wraps his bare arm around me. He grabs some of the popcorn in the bown on my lap. And as he does I notice that he glances down on my iphone screen. Fuck, he probably saw Niall's message.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you.." He begins and finishes chewing the popcorn in his mouth. Why is he trying to act so casual about this? He wipes his full mouth on the back of his hand. "I bumped into Sandy today at work today."

"How did you bump into him? Don't you just sit in your office all day?" I question. He's not making any sense right now.

"Okay well he might have dropped by. You know stalking me as usual." He explains. Now it makes more sense because I already know that Sandy has been stalking him for ages, but I didn't know that he's still doing it.

"Oh okay"

I say. Even though I'm quite convinced, there's still some confusions. Like... If Sandy came by Louis' office... How the fuck would Niall have seen them? I just don't know anymore. Something doesn't add up here.

Louis exhales and leans his head, completely worn out. He's been so tired ever since the other day when he had to work that night shift. I just feel so bad for him. He's usually so hype and full of energy but not now.

"I made you some food by the way..." I mumble. Louis sighs and leans his head against my chest like a baby. This is so unusual. I'm usually the little spoon between us.

"I'm not hungry. I'd rather go to the rooftop."


"Take a cigarette. Have a chat, you know." A chat? About what? I'm suddenly worried and scared that he's planning on something. But I don't know what.

It doesn't take long until we are out the door and clicking on the button for the elevator. But it doesn't show up. *Out of order* it says. When the fuck did this happen? It's like at least five floors to the rooftop. I turn to Louis to make sure that he's willing to take the stairs. He seems a bit worried but obliges anyway. As we go up I notice that he's much slower than he usually is. I mean, he's so athletic, how can this exhaust him? When we've made it up four flights of stairs Louis stops. I turn around to see him sitting on the floor with his hand on his stomach, completely out of breath. I immediately rush down and get down on my knees in front of him.

"Lou, what's going on!?" I ask, completely pale of fear. Louis' face is red and he's sweating and every breath he takes sounds forced. My heart starts beating faster and faster. What is happening!?

"Nothing, I'm fine. I'm fine." He assures but he's not convincing at all. I cup his warm face as he tries to pull himself back up again. "Come on, we're almost there."

I follow him and make sure that I'm right behind him in case something happens. Why does this guy have to be so damn stubborn? As soon as he noticed the elevator was broken he should have just stayed in the apartment. But noo, he always has to push his limits.

"Harry" He breathes as he stops in the middle of the stairway. I look up at him. "Call the ambulance-" And with that said he falls right into my arms.

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