Chapter 52.

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The music is blasting in my ears and the alcohol is burning in my throat. I grew tired of the dancing fast, so within less than an hour Niall and I end up in the balcony having a smoke. I haven't smoked in so long now. All that time I was with my mother I didn't have a single drag, so here I am chain-smoking Niall's Prince pack. I'm really surprised that Niall is out here with me listening to my "Louis problems" when it is HIS girlfriends birthday inside? To be quite honest he doesn't seem to be in a good mood at all. After going on and on about Louis for ages, I decide to change the subject.

"So did Ellie like your gift?" I ask and take a drag. Niall shakes his head and stares out at the skyline.

"I think she's cheating on me." He says and it quickly turns completely silent. I'm out of words. I wish I was more surprised to be honest, but I've never really trusted that girl. "What do you think I should do?"

"I don't know... Do what I did. Break up." I say and memories flash of me finding out about Louis and Sandy.

"But Louis never cheated on you though"

"What are you talking about? You know he cheated on me? He said so himself" I say and quickly turn defensive. If this is Niall messing with me then it's not funny at all.

"But he lied. He never did anything"

"What? What do you mean? Why would he lie? Why would Sandy lie? You even told me you saw them yourself!"

"I saw them hanging out! Nothing more" He defends with his irish accent. My heart starts spinning and I know it's not cause of the alcohol. I'm just so confused. "Go ask him yourself"


I stand with Liam, Zayn, Nancy and Fred talking about how lame Ellie's party is and how much we just want to leave and that she's a bitch for cheating on Niall. Yes, everyone knows by now. It's not like she's discreet at all as she's grinding all up on the suspect in the middle of the dancefloor. Liam throws a shady comment about how Ellie kept borrowing money from Liam to make this party possible and how it still ended up a complete flop anyway.

But all I can seem to think about is Harry. I've spent these last couple of weeks without him, doing anything to NOT think about him. I've been out drinking every night, smoking more than I should and anything just to forget the fact that I handled our situation like a jerk. And suddenly he comes back and looks like a fucking god. It's not fair. He can't just go away looking like some cotton candy emo princess boytoy and then come back a couple of weeks later looking like this. Short stylish curly hair away from his face so that I can see his gorgeous green eyes. He's tanned and ripped and fuck I just want to see what's beneath that light blue shimmy of his. He's driving me nuts.

"Louis" I hear his familiar voice growl in my ear as I'm pulled away from the others and to the side. Harry is holding me by the hem of my shirt looking really intimidating and it feels so weird. "You have some fucking explaining to do" I don't know what he's talking about or where the fuck that attitude came from. "Niall told me some things and I need to know if it's true"

Now a bell rings. Fuck Niall. I knew that I shouldn't have told him. I should've known he would tell Harry as soon as he got here.

"Can we discuss this somewhere else?" I suggest. Harry clenches his jaw and nods. We then look around for a split second just to find some stairs. We don't know where they lead but without saying a word both of us walk up it.

"Did you ever really cheat on me with Sandy?" Harry goes straight to the point as soon as we find some privacy in what seems to be Ellie's bedroom. He closes the door behind him and stands there staring at me with crossed arms. I sit on the bed fiddling my fingers nervously. I can't even speak so I just shake my head. "Then why? Why would you lie to me? Why would you say that you cheated on me when you didn't? I'm trying to understand"

He says and I can hear the cry in his voice. His face is turning red and he's really struggling with keeping a straight face. From what I see it looks like he can burst out crying at any second now.

"I needed to break up with you and when you told me that Sandy said those things I found the perfect way to... You know... End it. Without having to be the one ending it."

"What? You're not making any sense Louis!" He screams.

It's so hard to explain this. I knew from the beginning that I couldn't be with Harry, but then I let my feelings get in the way and hooked up with him anyway. I then grew this kind of attachment towards him and I knew that I had to end it. But I didn't want to break up with him, cause I knew I wouldn't be strong enough to. So when he told me all the shit Sandy had made up, I played along so that HARRY would be the one to break up with ME. If I could make him believe that I was a douche, he would find a way to get over me much easier. But in the end we both got hurt...

"That's why I got into a fight with Sandy..." I admit and Harry looks so confused. I try to walk him through it. "Sandy was the one who lied. I played along and told you what he said was true but it wasn't. So when I bumped into him I scolded him for lying in the first place and well... He got really defensive. Turns out he lied in an attempt to win me back"

"But why did you play along with it? Why did you make me go on for an ENTIRE month believing that you actually cheated on me!? Like, why did you feel the need to break up with me? I don't understand!"

"Well you don't need to understand!" I defend and Harry turns red with anger.



Silence. Complete silence. This is too much. Not only did he never cheat on me... But he loves me? How am I supposed to react? All the anger has suddenly converts into admiration. Louis is so drunk but so fragile. The look on his face. He looks like a helpless broken little angel. I want to walk up to him and kiss him... Should I? I take a deep breath and take a step closer to him. My heart is racing quick.

"Louis" I breathe and just as I'm close enough to just lean in we're rudely interrupted by the bedroom door opening and Liam bursting in.

"THERE YOU ARE! NIALL IS IN A FIGHT YOU HAVE TO GET DOWN THERE NOW!" He shouts and we barely get the chance to answer before he pulls Louis by his sleeve. What the fuck is going on now?


Hope you liked this chapter! Make sure to follow me on twitter at zeldastylinson.

Love always, S.

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