Chapter 20.

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To my relief it's just a guy. A very muscular guy with a black beanie and a fringe of  blonde dyed hair showing under it. He's wearing a tank top and a leather jacket but his tattoos are still very clear. They go all the way up his jaw. Louis is staring at this guy with wide eyes.

"Louis. Long time no see."

The man says in a deep threatening voice as he approaches Louis, one step at a time. Wait, they know each other? I'm almost getting worried at this point, and scared. I might be wrong but it looks like he's about to punch Louis any second now.

"I've left you many messages. Called you many times. Why are you avoiding me?"

He continues. Wait what? What is he talking about? And why isn't Louis being his usual sassy self and standing up to himself? Why is he just standing there with his legs practically shaking? This is so confusing.

"The security guards are on their way. Please step back."

Louis stutters. I have never seen him like this. I usually always feel so safe around Louis, like no one can hurt me when he's around. But this time it feels like somebody is being a threat to both of us, and Louis isn't doing anything about it.

"You called the guards on me? What a lousy move. You know I won't let you go that easy."

He says and gets way to close to Louis. He is definitely crossing some kind of line here, and I can see Louis squeezing his eyes shut, preparing for a punch in the face. But as soon as I see the man's fist clench my instinct of protecting Louis takes over. I quickly walk up to him and punch this frightening stranger right in the face. The man falls down on the floor and my hand immediately aches with pain. I hold my own hand and groan. Fuck that hurt. Even though I was the one that hit him.

"Sandy you're coming with us"

I suddenly hear a even deeper voice than his say from the door. There are about three big security guards there grabbing a hold of him as blood runs down his nose.


He growls before they escort him out of the club. My legs give in and I collapse on the bathroom floor, groaning in pain. My knuckles are busted and it is hurting really bad. I didn't even know I had that strength in me. Jesus Christ.

"Oh my god, Harry are you okay!?"

Louis says and gets down on his knees in front of me. He takes my hand and looks at my knuckles. He then takes some paper and soaks it in warm water. I flinch when he presses it onto my skin. Fuck it stings. Wait a minute... A sudden realization.

"They said Sandy." I mumble. After focusing on the wrong things i'm finally thinking outside the box. How could I have missed it? All the signs were there. The truth was standing right in front of me all along.


"WAS HE SANDY!?" I shout. "SANDY IS A GUY!?"

"Yeah... So?"

"You're gay!?" I almost feel like hitting something even harder at this point. Like the wall for instance. Why didn't he fucking tell me and why is he trying to act so casual about this!?

"Yes, why is it such a big deal?"

"You know why." Silence fills the room. He knows this mattered to me. It is a big deal and he knows it. I just don't understand why he never told me. I told him, didn't I? And it took a lot of courage for me to do that. God... This is too much. I can't take this right now. I need a fucking break. I need to get out of here before I my temper takes over again. I don't want to do something I'll regret later.

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