Chapter 34.

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I guess we're back home again.

Nothing feels the same and I'm finding it hard to decide weather that's good or bad. All I know is that I had three amazing days that I will be remembered for a long time. It feels like Louis and I are finally acting like a real couple, and it feels so right.

We've barely gotten the chance to unpack our bags before there's a loud knock on our front door. With a exhausted sigh I walk over to the hall and open the door. In comes Niall, Liam and Zayn barging in with bags of snacks and drinks. They give me each a hug and I for some reason find myself annoyed. I mean, I know that I just spent three entire days alone with Louis, but can't these guys give us some space? I know it sounds so greedy and selfish but can't they leave us alone for like a day?

They bump into Louis in the living room and they all jump into one big group hug. He seems more than happy to see him. His eyes are all crinkled up and I don't know why I'm so jealous.

Moments later we find ourselves in the living room, gathered around the television. They are playing some online game on the Xbox console and I just watch. I'm not much for games, but obviously they all are. They keep taking turns since they only have two controls. I'm sitting on the carpet between Louis' legs. He has arms wrapped around me as he plays the game in full focus. It feels so good to have him being affectionate with me in front of them. It's like he's trying to prove that we're still going to be as much of a couple as we were at the cruise.

"So how was the cruise lads?" Liam asks, eyes glued to the television screen. I'm so used to letting Louis speak that I don't even try to answer him, cause barely a second goes before Louis answers.

"Well Harold kissed a girl" He says in a funny way, even though I can still hear the jealousy in his tone. They all begin making wolf noises and I feel my cheeks blushing.

"No I didn't, she kissed me!" I defend. Louis pinches my cheek and assures me that it's just some banter.

"I even told her off. I said that I'm his boyfriend and her chin dropped! The poor thing had no idea!" Louis exclaimed and they all burst out in laughter.

"So you're officially boyfriend and boyfriend now?" Niall says and the mood changes completely. They all turn equally as quiet and heedful. Well I want to know the answer to this just as much as them. So I look up at Louis and he looks down at me.

"Yeah. I guess we are."

When his words reach my ear I am filled with emotions of happines. I smile up at him, he smiles back and leans down for a kiss. The boys turn all childish and go 'aaaaawee'. Ridiculous but completely fine with me. They all seem genuinely happy for us but I can sense some worry in their eyes, especially Liam. He seems so concerned about something and I don't know what. To be honest it brings me discomfort to think that there might be something they know that they haven't told me.

Time passes and eventually they decide to order some pizza. So when the delivery man finally knocks on the door I'm the one who has to go get it. As I leave the living room and make my way to the front door, I can hear the boys whispering A LOT behind my back. I can't hear what they're saying. I think I heard Liam say "Stop playing with his emotions" or something like that. And I didn't hear Louis answer cause I was already too far away. The delivery boy handed me the pizza carton and I handed him the money. I thanked him and then hid behind the wall. I need to hear more. I know it's rude to eavesdrop but I feel like I need to.

"Louis, you know you can't be with him! It's insane!" Zayn whispers much louder than he probably intended.

"I don't care! I want to be with him and that's all that matters right now" Louis defends.

"Well I think you need to be honest with him then. He deserves to know the truth. He needs to prepare." Liam says. Prepare? Prepare for what?

And with the silence that comes after that statement I realize it's my cue. I walk in and pretend like I didn't hear a single thing. I just fake a smile and place the pizza karton on the center of the table. They all change the subject completely and dig in. Okay, there's something they're keeping from me and I intend to find out what.

So... Who will be the easiest target? I ask myself as I scan the faces in the room. My eyes set on Niall. He's the only one I actually feel like I can trust if you count out Louis. Besides, Niall is so innocent that when I put him on the spot, he will with no doubt tell me the truth.

"Niall, would you like to join me for a cigarette?"

I try to ask as discreet as possible. He nods and grabs his jacket in a heartbeat. Louis looks at the two of us for a moment but doesn't say anything. I pray to god that he won't ask to join us, so I just avoid eyecontact with him until Niall and I are out of the apartment.

Time passes and before I know it Niall and I are on our third cigarette and I still haven't had the guts to ask him. He just asked how the cruise was so I told him all about that, and now it's dead silent and I'm just trying to grow the courage to ask him. I stare down the familiar rooftop and take a deep breath. I've come such a long way since I was dangeling off this edge a few months ago. I need to be brave.

"Tell me." I finally say. Niall looks at me confused.

"Tell you what?"

"About Louis. I know that there's something about me you're refusing to tell me. I need to know. I deserve to know, don't I?" I have cornered him completely. I can tell by the way he suddenly tries to look everywhere but my eyes. He starts scratching the back of his head and it's obvious that he knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I want to tell you, we all do! But it's not for us to say. Louis has to be the one to tell you."

"Well it has been almost 7 months and he hasn't told me shit, now has he!?" I almost shout. I feel bad for putting poor innocent Niall in this uncomfortable seat but I'm just so damn confused that I don't know what to do. I'm finally happy with Louis, and I just don't want it to be based on a lie.

"Lads! The pizza is getting cold!" The familiar voice takes me by surprise. I turn around to see Louis standing by the elevator, holding the door open for us.

"We'll be right there!" Niall calls back. He then turns to me with a serious face. "Listen. You and I can hang out tomorrow. We can talk then. Alright?" He whispers. I nod.


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