Chapter 26.

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Days later.


Fuck I can't even think straight right now. My mind is a mess and my body is growing unstable. I am shaking and I can't seem to make it stop. There are many things that could have caused this. Maybe it is cause I've barely eaten anything today. I ate a sandwich and drank coffee for breakfast. I have not eaten any lunch. Instead I ate some chocolate and drank some redbull. And now that i've had another cigarette I seem to have lost all control. I am scared cause I have never felt this in such an extreme level before. I need help. I don't know what's happening to me and I don't know how to stop it either. I don't even know if it will ever stop. I mean... It should. Obviously it should. But uhm... It has never lasted this long before. Like I said. I don't know what to do. I don't know I don't know I don't fucking know.

"You okay?" Harry asks when he joins me on the sofa. I don't trust my voice at the moment so I just nod. Does he seem to buy it? No. Of course not. My entire body is shaking and I'm not even looking at him.

"I uh..." I begin. I don't even know what to say, or how to say it, or where to even begin. I would explain the situation to him if I could. But I can't. I barely understand it myself. Although the feeling is quite bisarr, it's still familiar. Has this happened before? And if it has, how did I get through it?

"You...?" Harry tries. I clear my throat and shake my head.

"I don't know... I'm feeling weird and I don't know what's wrong..." I explain. Harry frowns at me and folds the newspaper in his hands. He puts it on the table and turns his torso my way, giving me full attention.

"Was it something you ate?"

"Can't be. I've barely eaten today"

"Then maybe that's the problem. Do you want me to make you something? Mac and cheese maybe?" He suggests. Even though it is a very kind gesture just the thought of food makes my stomach turn.

"No, I have spent many days like this. It has never affected me before so why would it now all of the sudden?"

Harry turns silent. The answer seems just as blank to him as it does to me. He suddenly picks my phone up from the table and starts doing something. He then hands me the phone and I notice that it is calling Doctor Nelson. I would want to disagree with him, but it does seem like a good idea... I thank him and put the phone against my ear. I then get out of the sofa and walk into my bedroom. I don't want him to hear this conversation, so I leave him out of it and close the door behind me. A couple of tones pass until the doctor answers.

"Doctor Nelson's office" The familiar voice with the american accent says. I clear my throat once again and say the first thing that comes to mind.

"Hi Doctor. This is Louis... Are you busy or can you talk for a minute?"

"I can talk for a moment or two. Is everything okay? Is something wrong?"

"Uhm i've kind of have had these difficulties the last couple of days... My throat has been in pain and I've had these coughs that keep coming up. Also, i've felt kind of weird today..."

"Weird how?"

"Well i'm litteraly shaking and I'm dizzy and all those kind of things... I don't know what's wrong..."

"Have you smoked today Mr Tomlinson?"

"Yeah... Just like a cigarette or two..."

"Alright..." He breathes and I begin to grow impatient. I'm biting my nails as I wait for the doctor to continue. "Can you possibly come by at five o'clock? Just to check how bad things are? I know it's short notice but I don't have another available time until next week"

"Five o'clock?" I ask and glance down at my arm clock. It is already four thirty. But it's not far from here... I guess I can make it, cause honestly i'm a bit worried about my health right now. "Okay, yeah. I'll be there."

"Good. I'll see you soon then."

"Yes. Bye"

I say and end the call. I take a deep breath and cover my face frustrated. Fuck, I really hope it's not what I think it is. Shit, I really fucked up this time. I get dressed and when I walk out of the room I can smell cheese. I ignore it and walk to the front door.

"Harry i'm going out!" I call as I put my coat on.

"What? Where? I was just making you dinner?" Harry says and walks out of the kitchen with an apron on. Wow, he can be a real mom sometimes.

"Save it for later, I'm going for a check up at the hospital"

"Oh alright... Well good luck. Call me when you're finished" He says and pulls me in to a hug. I pat his back and leave. Let's hope for the best...


After i've finished dinner I eat some of it and put the left overs in the microwave. I then finish about two Friends episodes before Louis calls me. I turn the volume down on the TV and reach for my phone. Louis adorable face pops up on the screen.

"Hi how did it go?" I ask and try to sound as hopefull as possible. Even though i'm honestly pretty worried. But it can't be that bad, can it? I mean he has eaten awful the last couple of days. I wouldn't be surprised if it's low blood sugar or something like that.

"It went okay... It wasn't anything major" I'm relieved by his answer.

"What was it then?"

"It was just the side effects of uhm... You know, me barely eating and stuff..." He says. I can't hear him that good cause the sounds of the cars and streetbuzz behind him is distracting.

Minutes later he's finally home.

"Well..." I mumble as my eyes follow his short torso across the living room. He pulls his shirt over his head and drops it to the floor. I am immediately taken back by his beautiful body. I'm more and more amazed every time he goes around shirtless. Poor thing seems exhausted. He sighs and drops himself on the armchair.

God, I know it has almost been two weeks since my mother told me to be honest with Louis, but I've just postponed it. I need to tell him how I feel. Maybe I can change his mind? I mean... It's worth a shot. Isn't it?

"I've kind of been meaning to talk to you about something..." I finally manage to mumble. Louis turns his head slowly, causing his fringe to be all over his eyes. He flips his hair and faces me properly.

"I just think that... maybe.... possibly... You could consider giving me a chance. I thought that-"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now, Harry!?" He interupts in pure frustration. I'm startled by his sudden anger. Did I say something wrong? I'm confused of why he doesn't even want to hear what I have to say. "I can't deal with this right now. I'm sorry. Not today. Not today" He adds and walks towards his room.

"What is the matter with you? I just want to know the truth" I say before he gets the chance to walk into that door.


And with those words coming out of his mouth like arrows, he walks into his room and closes it behind him. Leaving me with a confirmation of something I regret wanting to know.


Keep sharing this story and commenting and all of that good stuff that I adore. You're the best. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love always, S.

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